Hi all,
i have my Host connected to my NAS via 10G Networking (over a different subnet).
Sanity Check of my Setup via iperf3
- 10G IP: 9.05 Gbits/sec / 9.31 Gbits/sec
- 1G IP: 940 Mbits/sec / 941 Mbits/sec
Backup Speed via Xen Orchestra
- 10G Remote 47.79-56.66 MiB/s
XO Remote Speed Write/Read Test:
- 10G IP: 494.19 MiB/s / 1.3 GiB/s
- 1G IP: 642.79 MiB/s / 2.68 GiB/s
dd on the nfs mount from XO
dd if=/dev/zero of=/run/xo-server/mounts/{UUID}/test1.img bs=2G count=1 oflag=dsync
739 MB/s
Host: 6vCPU each with around 25%
NAS: 4CPU total of around 5% usage
XO Remote Settings
Single vs Multiple VM
The total speed is the same.
Multiple Data Blocks
I also tested the Store backup as multiple data blocks instead of a whole VHD file. (creates 500-1000 files per backed up GB but allows faster merge)
function for the nfs remote. No change.
NFS Options
Network Settings
MTU 1500 vs 9000
Regarding that with bigger files and dd I have no issues. I did not expected an issue here. But i even changed on both sides the MTU. No change.
TCP Checksumming
I disabled this everywhere.

Head Scratching
I'm currently scratching my head for where the bottle neck comes from.
If I Backup with the same Instance a Remote Host (1G Down/50M UP) Network Link to a DC with 2G/2G Sync, I'm only getting like 4MiB/s in XO.
Anyone can point me in a direction or maybe help me with this Performance degradation in Xen Orchestra?
p.s. i'm not sure to post this in the backup or the Network Category, but regarding that the network works fine. I'll post it in backup