Thank you @Danp , that suggestion worked! For anyone seeing this in the future, I just bond the nics on the master before adding the rest of the hosts to the pool.
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RE: Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
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Anyone else getting a 301 error? [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 301 - Moved Permanently Trying other mirror.
RE: Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
Thank you @Danp , that suggestion worked! For anyone seeing this in the future, I just bond the nics on the master before adding the rest of the hosts to the pool.
RE: Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
@Danp I will do that, Thank you for the suggestion.
RE: Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
I'm still having this issue. Anyone have any ideas?
RE: Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
@Danp It's a different one each time. If I repeat the steps the next one in line will go offline. Also, I was able to create a bond for the faster NICs with no issues which I'm guessing is because they were not in use.
Edit: I've also tried with that OpaqueRef not in the pool and it will just bring a different one offline.
RE: Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
Thanks for the replies Dan and Olivier.
@Danp the host it points to is online and I can ping back and forth between them and its showing running in XO.
RE: Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
@olivierlambert Xen Orchestra is showing the are all good. I can connect to them locally too and they are behaving like normal. Is it because they are currently using the interface I want bonded?
RE: Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
I deleted the interface and when I recreated it I got the following error.
network.createBonded { "bondMode": "active-backup", "description": "10gbs management bond", "name": "ManagmentBond", "pifs": [ "b36951c4-f76c-b67e-daec-9561912dc35b", "5929269c-3c60-911e-fe61-0bc17f5c2ff5" ], "pool": "5f2a6a71-02bb-fd53-44da-5fd90e196ded" } { "code": "CANNOT_CONTACT_HOST", "params": [ "OpaqueRef:0dd44cf9-9d29-4750-92c6-69860d47e8f1" ], "call": { "method": "Bond.create", "params": [ "OpaqueRef:94e60751-0bd5-4496-9600-eac492c8d9f8", [ "OpaqueRef:971d61e6-2f42-4515-b6ec-5e8a0a169a9d", "OpaqueRef:683a3eb6-9f61-4b8d-9aaf-2aba9b346ed0" ], "", "active-backup" ] }, "message": "CANNOT_CONTACT_HOST(OpaqueRef:0dd44cf9-9d29-4750-92c6-69860d47e8f1)", "name": "XapiError", "stack": "XapiError: CANNOT_CONTACT_HOST(OpaqueRef:0dd44cf9-9d29-4750-92c6-69860d47e8f1) at Function.wrap (file:///opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202405161431/packages/xen-api/_XapiError.mjs:16:12) at file:///opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202405161431/packages/xen-api/transports/json-rpc.mjs:38:21 at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:60:5) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:447:9) at process.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:128:17)" }
All my hosts are up and running and show green in the pool hosts section.
RE: Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
@olivierlambert Yes I am. There is only the admin user created on this instance. I should also point out the bond name shows in a weird state in the network tab after I click create and get the error.
Can't create bond on pool. Error: You do not have permissions
I have a pool with 4 hosts. Each host has two 10gbs NICs that I want bonded for my management network. When I go to pool and create a new network with the options below it gives me an error saying something along the lines of "You do not have permissions to create this bond".
Then one host out of the four in the pool will go offline and I will need to do an emergency network reset to get it back online.Any ideas?