@DustinB Luckily in this case, I dont need to kill the original, so if something goes wrong, I can always flip back. I guess I'll give this a try.

RE: How to migrate XOA itself?
RE: How to migrate XOA itself?
@DustinB That seems fraught with failure. Have you ever done this successfully? From what I understand, restoring XOA meta data isn't that straight forward (but I've never done it, so I'm talking hearsay).
@manilx - This is why we run a separate host just for XOA (and a few other IT specific tools). But after almost 3 years, its time to upgrade our IT pool host, and it has all new networking so much easier to migrate then it is to run multiple copies.
However, after this re-structure of our host configurations, I might just do that, and stand up a second copy of XOA for this type of scenario. I've never run multiple XOA instances though, so I need to read up on the best way to do this.
How to migrate XOA itself?
So we have just stood up a new pool, and want/need to migrate our XOA to this new pool (the old one is being shutdown).What is the best way to migrate XOA to a new pool (preferably without needing to do this via CLI) ?
Any negative about using a bonded vlan interface for xostor traffic?
We have 4 Dell R7525 hosts, each with Dual 100G QSFP+ nics running LACP bonded connections to two Dell Z9100 switches running a VLT domain.
I had to setup the host using one of the onboard 1G nics initially, and then once it was setup and joined to the pool, I switched the management interface to the bonded vlan (that matches my management network vlan).
I can get to the test host, and everything seems to work.
I still have to finish making the same changes to the sub-and master in this pool, but I dont foresee any real issue.However, I'm not certain of two things:
- Can Xostor use a bonded vlan for Xostor traffic? (the bond is effectively 2x100GB total across both interfaces).
- Is there any recommendation against doing it this way? (for production use I should mention)
RE: XO Lite: building an embedded UI in XCP-ng
@john-c - Yes, except pool updates have never worked for us, as some of our VMs cannot be live migrated. So, we have to do it manually. Also, The XO-Lite feature I was talking about, is intended for single host scenarios (which is most common in home setups, where migration isnt possible).
RE: XO Lite: building an embedded UI in XCP-ng
Just upgraded my home network to 8.3.0 and I must say, it went flawlessly. Also my first time taking a look at XO-Lite. Also fantastic! Kudo's to the whole vates dev and testing team. This is a huge milestone.
The only real feature for me that is missing from XO-Lite is the ability to shutdown/restart the host itself from the menu (I'm assuming this is still being added).
Currently, I cant see a way to restart the host from XO-Lite. My XCPNG host runs headless, so when I needed to restart the host, I loaded XCPNG Center and shutdown the XOA VM, and then rebooted the host (only needed when applying host patches). This method wont work now with 8.3. I was forced to use the "force reboot" from XOA to complete the final patch/reboot steps.
Without the control to restart/shutdown the host itself, the only other option is to enable SSH (when the host is headless). I would think that XO-Lite would "in theory" be more secure then leaving SSH open only for this scenario.
Separately, I also run XCPNG/XOA at work (licensed), and currently we are waiting for XOSTOR to come out of beta before we upgrade/test it in our environment. Any ETA on XOSTOR going full version in 8.3 ?
Looking forward to the future of this version and product.
RE: Issues synchronizing LDAP groups (Active Directory)
@cjackson The reason the login is just username, is because you've specified sAMAccountName. If you want to use email address, change this to UserPrincipleName. Obviously, verify the UPN in your AD box, but that should be the persons email address if your domain it setup correctly.
I dont believe most LDAP query tools support nested group security (its a common issue). Not an excuse, just an observation btw.
trying to use netdata in XOA and I get
I have enabled Live Telemetry on a host in my XOA, and I get the following error.
Access to file is not permitted: /usr/share/netdata/web//index.html
I have never enabled it before, but based on the documentation, there isn't anything for me to do other then click the enable live telemetry button.
Am I missing something?
default view on hosts?
So I'm trying to set a default view order on my Hosts screen. I'd like them to be sorted by Pool. I've tried saving that as a filter, but it doesn't seem to work (mind you, I'm not filtering out anything).
Is there a way to set the default "view" that isn't a filter?
RE: The emulator required to run this VM failed to start..?
@stormi So from what I understand, at the moment the XCP-NG client drivers cannot be used for secure boot, and we must use the Citrix drivers.
We have ALL of our VMs using the XCP-NG Client drivers. How do we successfully switch to the Citrix drivers?
I tried on a test VM to uninstall the XCP-NG client drivers, reboot and enable the Citrix drivers install, but the OS refuses to boot after removing the XCP-NG Client drivers. How do I "install" the Citrix drivers without having the xcp-ng client driver conflict?
RE: The emulator required to run this VM failed to start..?
@Danp Turns out, I was missing the UEFI Secure boot certificates on my hosts. Odd how this never came up as an issue prior, but now it seems "required". At least its an easy fix:
RE: The emulator required to run this VM failed to start..?
@TheNorthernLight I'm also getting that the VM failed to pass secure boot verification. I've never had that problem and have no idea how to resolve it.
RE: The emulator required to run this VM failed to start..?
@Danp Yeah, that didn't work. I restarted the tool stack on all of the pool's hosts, and no go still.
The emulator required to run this VM failed to start..?
So we tried to do a rolling update on our servers, and for some reason, this seemed to have failed.
I've manually completed the updates, but now I'm trying to re-start several VMs, and I'm running into the same problem. I get an error:
"An emulator required to run this VM failed to start"
Anybody know how to resolve this?
Cant delete templates, error 'incorrect state'
So I was trying to clean up some of the templates that we will never need, and when I select them, and choose delete I get "incorrect state" as an error.
How can I clean up default XOA templates that are simply not needed? Or is there an option to hide them at least if I cannot delete them?
RE: New Xcp-Ng server Run-Away
@kulmacet I've had something like this, and it turned out to be a dying BMC controller in the end.
I had the server motherboard replaced under warranty, and poof, problem stopped (same CPUs, RAM, etc).
please add a paste option into the console in XOA
I know this seems dumb, but could we add a paste function into the XOA console.I try using the copy/multiline copy, but that never seems to work.
RE: File restores from Windows guest backups
@brantleyhobbs @olivierlambert Is this a needed item in XOA?
Startup VM Order
I'm just curious if there is any easier way to setup VM boot order (after powerloss/shutdown), other then setting the delayed startup time on each VM?
Currently, there is no easy way to check the overall-pool boot order of VMs (that I can find).
RE: list backup times in .... time format?
@ronivay You make a good Point.
What I didn't know, that I do now, I wasn't "naming" my schedules. Once you do that, it replaces the Cron time. So I called my things like "Daily @ 4:30 - Diff" but obviously naming schemes are broad.