too many VDI/VHD per VM, how to get rid of unused ones
mmm.... its asking me for the orphaned vm snapshots if i really want to delete them
im guessing i do?!?
There's no reason to have orphaned VM snapshots
thanks Olivier!!!!!!
now my VDI's, i see i have multiple VDI's for my VMs
for example my "dataio vm"
i have a main vm running and i have a continious replication of the dataio vm
now can i delete any of them as i seem to be just racking up multiple VDI's of the same VM
Continue to remove all orphaned VDIs
@olivierlambert but I can't see any more orphaned vdis on XOA?
In the SR view, disk tab, bottom right, magnifying glass icon, select "Orphaned VDIs".
@olivierlambert your amazing Olivier, so I imagine I can delete all the orphaned vdi's
Yes, as long as you don't have intentionally left a VDI connected to no VM whatsoever, you can remove all of them.
im looking and i see no vms attached to the orphaned disks
That's by definition why are they called "orphaned"
The question is: have you decided to disconnect some VDI of some VM by yourself or they just are here because they are leftover of some failed operations?
I think that in your case, you can remove them all.
thanks Olivier because when i change the magnifying glass to "type:!VDI-unmanaged" i see under the VMs the actual live vm name and the backup vm so i think its safe to delete all the orphaned ones
Yes, VDIs connected to a VM are by definition not orphaned. You don't want to remove those.
just out of interest when i change the magnifying glass to "type:VDI-unmanaged"
it lists "base copy"
what are they?
They are the read only parent of a disk (when you do a snapshot, in fact it creates 3 disks: the base copy in read only, the new active disk and the snapshot).
If you remove the snapshot, then a coalesce will appear, to merge the active disk within the base copy, and get back to the initial state: 1 disk only.
so can i delete the "type:VDI-snapshot"
This post is deleted! -
- Please edit your post and use Markdown syntax for code/error blocks
- Rescan your SR and try again, at worst remove everything you can, leave it a while to coalesce and wait before trying to remove it again
vdi.delete { "id": "1778c579-65a5-48b3-82df-9558a4f6ff7f" } { "code": "SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_1200", "params": [ "", "", "" ], "task": { "uuid": "3c72bd9a-36ec-01da-b1b5-0b19468f4532", "name_label": "Async.VDI.destroy", "name_description": "", "allowed_operations": [], "current_operations": {}, "created": "20200120T19:23:41Z", "finished": "20200120T19:23:50Z", "status": "failure", "resident_on": "OpaqueRef:bb0f833a-b400-4862-9d3f-07f15f34e0f8", "progress": 1, "type": "<none/>", "result": "", "error_info": [ "SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_1200", "", "", "" ], "other_config": {}, "subtask_of": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "subtasks": [], "backtrace": "(((process"xapi @ lon-p-xenserver01")(filename lib/ 210))((process"xapi @ lon-p-xenserver01")(filename ocaml/xapi/ 31))((process"xapi @ lon-p-xenserver01")(filename ocaml/xapi/ 683))((process"xapi @ lon-p-xenserver01")(filename ocaml/xapi/ 100))((process"xapi @ lon-p-xenserver01")(filename lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/ 24))((process"xapi @ lon-p-xenserver01")(filename ocaml/xapi/ 236))((process"xapi @ lon-p-xenserver01")(filename ocaml/xapi/ 83)))" }, "message": "SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_1200(, , )", "name": "XapiError", "stack": "XapiError: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_1200(, , ) at Function.wrap (/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/_XapiError.js:16:11) at _default (/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/_getTaskResult.js:11:28) at Xapi._addRecordToCache (/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/index.js:812:37) at events.forEach.event (/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/index.js:833:13) at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Xapi._processEvents (/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/index.js:823:11) at /xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/src/index.js:984:13 at (<anonymous>) at asyncGeneratorStep (/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/dist/index.js:58:103) at _next (/xen-orchestra/packages/xen-api/dist/index.js:60:194) at tryCatcher (/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23) at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:547:31) at Promise._settlePromise (/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:604:18) at Promise._settlePromise0 (/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:649:10) at Promise._settlePromises (/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:729:18) at _drainQueueStep (/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:93:12) at _drainQueue (/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:86:9) at Async._drainQueues (/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:102:5) at Immediate.Async.drainQueues (/xen-orchestra/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:15:14) at runCallback (timers.js:810:20) at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:768:5) at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:745:5)" }
got the command
xe vm-disk-list vm=(name or UUID)
im going to cross refernce it with this
xe vdi-list sr-uuid=$sr_uuid params=uuid managed=true
and any vdis that dont match im going to delete with
xe vdi-destroy
is this corect?
mmm... when i run a
xe vdi-list
i see i have a lot of base copies
what are they all about?
ok Olivier
as XOA isnt working can i do it from the cli of xen, so -
xe vdi-destroy uuid=(uuid of orphaned vdi )