@tiner1442 No backup are limited to XOA as it is the VM who does all the work
@tiner1442 nope. You can't do anything since it's an heavy client you need to keep open to do things. It's not a daemon running 24/7 like XO.
Only a daemon system (like
) is able to get backup scheduled (or any other task requiring constant connection, like computing trends, alerting on something, provide ACLs and so on).That's why backup is out of scope here.
@tiner1442 The other responses are technically correct, but a bit un-nuanced
xcp-ng Center can do vm exports as a sort of backup - but they are entirely manual and only the whole VMXOA on the other hand can do scheduled backup and a whole range of various backup methods such as Rolling snapshots, delta backups, continous replication etc
That was my point. It doesn't make sense to make "manual backup" as a backup strategy. At best, you will forgot to do it sometimes.
So XCP-ng Center isn't a backup tool, but a management solution. XO Lite has the same goal.
@olivierlambert I'm a bit confused.
XCP-ng center CAN make backups then, except not scheduled ones. Is that it?Even as far back as Xencenter 6.5 I remember you had snapshot capabilities:
@tiner1442 Well snapshots aren't backups of course. And you have to do it manually.
It's too bad we can't have a full blown management interface running right on the xcp-ng server ala Proxmox and ESXi. A pipe dream I know by the sound of it. But damn, my home Proxmox lab is so easy to administer.
Seriously guys? It's not even ready that you are already complaining
We are investing a lot of efforts to provide a management alternative to XCP-ng Center, with the objective to get same-features perimeters. This is a full blown management interface. Backup != management.
@biggen What do you mean ala ESXI? For all advanced management purpose in VMware you need Vcenter, not even talking about the backup for which you need Veeam (or similar) in addition to Vcenter. Am I missing something in ESXI?
@olivierlambert I think this is exactly what XCP-ng needed. Sure, management and backups with XO centrally is the main point, but at times I need up access the server locally to see what's going on, especially in situations where XO is running somewhere else and the XCP-ng server in question runs the firewall for example and for some reason the firewall never came up after a reboot.
A basic access to the virtuals' consoles and the option to start/stop/reboot them alone will get far, right now I can do that the restarting part over SSH, but not view the console.
I XO Lite would be perfect with these options in addition to being completely locally stored. Right now it seems to just load the script from somewhere else, which doesn't help if the firewall virtual is down.
But yeah, good work, excellent project. I'll be following it with great interest.
@apz right now it's not embedded because it's easier to get all the latest updates without generating a new
package every dayBut yeah, the goal is to have it offline, which is helpful when you have network problems (ie XOA can't reach it), at least you have something else than the CLI.
@olivierlambert I figured it was a case of work-in-progress software and I'm fine with it knowing it will be 100% local when it's ready for showtime.
Having what is essentially XCP-NG Center from a browser would be nice, no more need to install something on a Windows machine just to get some basic stuff set up until you get a full XOA instance running. Yes I know you can just grab the demo with a single command, but sometimes you want to configure a few things first.
Its a start of something great, need more functions though! For example:
- VM controls (start/stop)
- VM Information
- VM Import/Export
- Add/remove storage
- SR Information
- Insert/remove dvd
- Toolstacksrestart
- Warnings (low memory/storage space)
@tony I agree, but I think the most important is to start/stop a machine, the other can be done with XO
S stormi referenced this topic on
O olivierlambert referenced this topic on
To be a good alternative to XCP-NG Center you have to do at least what XCP-NG Center does.
E.g:- I haven't found in XOCE, so far, how to rearrange the VHDs of a VM, the only method, which I found , is to reattach them in the order I want,
- To be able to snopshoot,
- To be able to import and export,
- To be able to migrate a VM, implicitly to be able to add another host on which to migrate the VM. This is good when the current host has a problem,
- To group VMs by hosts, sometimes it is more useful to see which VMs are affected if you restart a host, XOCE displays them all but you cannot group/subgroup them on hosts that they are running on,
- It can be restarted even if it is the only host, XOCE only wants it if the VMs are all turned off.
In essence, XCP-NG Center does almost everything XOCE does, but manually. Which is OK when you have a breakdown.
Don't get me wrong I use XOCE the most and I understand its importance but sometimes a XCP-NG Center is good to have, especially a local one on the host.
i agree with @gheppy to have XCP-ng center run as a service on a sin out VM would be nice and with all the features of XOA instead of having to run XOA from sources to get all the features...you can run snapshots on a schedule with the center app and keep X number of iterations but are limited to local drive. instead of XO LITE why not go for xcp-ng center as a service with all options to run on a VM...i don know about most but i like the look and feel of xcp-ng center
@Gheppy it's a bit off topic but:
- You can rearrange disk in Xen Orchestra, you can drag and drop them
I'm not sure to understand the rest, because that's precisely the goal of XO Lite, being able to get rid of XCP-ng Center to manage your pool, with equivalent features.
Did you missed the first post maybe? @dane7791 seems affected by the same problem. Please take time to read the first post with the link to the blog article. Everything is explained in there
ERROR: cannot verify lite.xen-orchestra.com's certificate, issued by β/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=R3β: Issued certificate has expired. To connect to lite.xen-orchestra.com insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
Just a heads-up your certificate expired.
No the certificate is fine. The issue is on your side, from the XCP-ng version you have I assume (not fully up to date?)
@olivierlambert The command for wget specified in the initial post, will always re-download the xolite file. So can't be used in a crontab operation during the beta, in order to update the file locally.
However the following may be utilised as part of a crontab command section, line entry.
wget -N https://lite.xen-orchestra.com/dist/ -O /opt/xensource/www/xolite.html
The additional option I added to the post here, will cause wget to check if the remote file to be downloaded has changed at all. Then only download the file if the remote has changed, otherwise will not. That will therefore as a result save a lot of bandwidth, for Vates when downloading the html file, if the check and download isn't too often!
So when this item has been validated, and if Vates agrees and allows can the original post be updated with the new wget specified here please?
Also the crontab entry and your downloaded xolite html will also need to be removed, once the XO Lite fully gets, rolled out as part of an updated XCP-ng. This in my opinion will have the likely hood of happening, during one of the 8.2 point releases as long as it fits the LTS rules, more likely though will be in 8.3 or later, and while in the next LTS release series.