Can't make new VM
Can't create new VM today, after updating to 5.101.0 / 5.102.0 build 281a1
Any thoughts on this? Am I missing something?thanks.
vm.create { "clone": true, "existingDisks": {}, "installation": { "method": "cdrom", "repository": "a05463cd-8a9f-40e5-9087-8f1ddda0c750" }, "name_label": "Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)", "template": "9788e5a6-c4ec-a4ba-2083-c448722a5974-d986ea98-09fa-4e9a-9ee6-e6c78119496f", "VDIs": [ { "bootable": false, "device": "0", "size": 268435456000, "type": "system", "SR": "000988d9-5c09-4c63-86a1-8cb904d0642f", "name_description": "Created by XO", "name_label": "Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)_oleri" } ], "VIFs": [ { "network": "46843b23-dd90-2b78-0f9a-dfaac7847e9c", "allowedIpv4Addresses": [], "allowedIpv6Addresses": [] } ], "coresPerSocket": 2, "CPUs": "4", "cpusMax": 4, "cpuWeight": null, "cpuCap": null, "name_description": "", "memory": 17179869184, "bootAfterCreate": true, "copyHostBiosStrings": false, "secureBoot": false, "share": false, "coreOs": false, "tags": [], "hvmBootFirmware": "uefi" } { "code": 10, "data": { "errors": [ { "instancePath": "/VDIs/0", "schemaPath": "#/properties/VDIs/items/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "bootable" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "/VDIs/0", "schemaPath": "#/properties/VDIs/items/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "device" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "/VDIs/0", "schemaPath": "#/properties/VDIs/items/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "name_description" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" }, { "instancePath": "/VDIs/0", "schemaPath": "#/properties/VDIs/items/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "name_label" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" } ] }, "message": "invalid parameters", "name": "XoError", "stack": "XoError: invalid parameters at Module.invalidParameters (/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202209011436/packages/xo-common/api-errors.js:26:11) at (file:///opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202209011436/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:65:20) at Api.#callApiMethod (file:///opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202209011436/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:390:19)" }
XCP-ng Center had no problem making new VM, by the way.
went back to my previous build (using the XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater)
xo-server 5.96.0/ xo-web 5.97.2 build c4839 and new VM worked fine. -
I have the same problem.
A complete configuration of the VM gives an error, with commit 281a1cc.
Instead, if it is created without the disk attached and PXE iso it works.I have a XOCE with commit 9ad2c07 that works correctly
After testing the problem appear with commit d7f29e7363ab7439a75897f21e2b6f1fdd98ac2f.And it is only when the HDD is attached/created, if the HDD is deleted, the VM is created and it can be attached/created after creating the VM.
Commit 82df6089c3ab0d3a5ec567ff9dc5a298f25510b7 is ok
Ping @julien-f
@bberndt Thanks for your report.
I've pushed a fix:
Please test and let me know if you have any other issues
It is ok, thank you
I had the same issue the fix did the trick thanks!
Looks like it took me to build 37cdbc19e
xo-server 5.101.0
xo-web 5.102.0and making new VM works.
and to think I just happened to need to make a new one after updating the other day, wasn't really looking for a bug. -
"message": "must NOT have additional properties"
I have an issue like this, not creating a new vm but on import a .ova to xen orchestra.
Xen Orchestra, commit e69ae
xo-server 5.102.0
xo-web 5.103.0I cannot import .ova to Xen Orchestra.
See below the log error:vm.import { "type": "ova", "data": { "descriptionLabel": "Other_64", "disks": [ { "capacity": 500107862016, "descriptionLabel": "Disk Image", "nameLabel": "disk1", "path": "WMS-WINDOWS-ANJUSS-disk001.vmdk", "position": 0 } ], "memory": 4294967296, "nameLabel": "wms-winsrv-anjuss", "networks": [ "91be313d-099b-c310-7125-c6a2c8fedaff" ], "nCpus": 1, "tables": {} }, "sr": "892d9a2e-9688-ff37-dd53-2e502981f46a" } { "code": 10, "data": { "errors": [ { "instancePath": "/data", "schemaPath": "#/properties/data/additionalProperties", "keyword": "additionalProperties", "params": { "additionalProperty": "tables" }, "message": "must NOT have additional properties" } ] }, "message": "invalid parameters", "name": "XoError", "stack": "XoError: invalid parameters at Module.invalidParameters (/opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-common/api-errors.js:26:11) at (file:///opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:65:20) at Api.#callApiMethod (file:///opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:390:19)" }
Please help! Thanks!
@marciocosta-pgua-0 This has been fixed, please upgrade.
Same message than the other thread:
Read this carefully.