XCP-ng 8.3 public alpha 🚀
@cocoon Ah great news then!
@cocoon Thank you for doing that!!!
@cocoon Ah, I thought you had pushed it to https://github.com/xcp-ng/xenadmin/ at that time.
EDIT: actually you did, but maybe your forked build was more permissive regarding the host version.
@stormi I will add some details here:
This was my "hardcoded" value, that is not intended to be used here.
Instead the official way is to extend some Enums with supported API Versions.
If the Version of the host (for 8.3 it is 2.20) is not found in the enums, it get's set to 99 = Unknown.The current enum contain only up to 2.16 (API_2_16) so API_2_20 is not found --> set to 99:
https://github.com/xcp-ng/xenadmin/blob/development/XenModel/XenAPI/ApiVersion.cs#L38Problem is here where it compares the min version to the current and if it is higher (and it is with 99) it refuses to connect.
As I hardcoded it to a lower value (20) it is now lower and allows to connect.
And btw: my build was based on a slightly newer commit from Citrix than the one at xcp-ng repo.
I was just wondering... Is it just my installation or is there no XenTools ISO in the dropdown for virtual disks?
EDIT: Never mind.. Its a XCP-ng Center thing.. I can mount the ISO from XO (it does not show up in XCP-ng Center in the dropdown list or even when it is mounted)..
No offence to cocoon for doing great work with their release, but will v20.04.01 or variant be made available to support 8.3?
Oh! Is this a new feature in XCP-ng 8.3????
If so... YEA!!!!
It's a new feature added in SMAPIv1, creating XAPI tasks for the coalesce process
(done by Mark Syms at XenServer). I was VERY happy to saw that pull request 1y ago
As I had now a chance to take a quick look, XO Light will be a great addition when it's ready
Currently I cannot test the Console, but the Dashboard looks nice and of course I would have some ideas what would be great to have there, but you might already have a list.
But I would say for troubleshooting to extract logs and use the bugtool might be handy to have available.I could not get any VM button to do anything, it simply might not be implemented right now, like poweron etc.
But I have seen at least one possible problems that you might want to add to a FAQ:
If you have ublock adblocker installed it seems to cause problems if you don't whitelist:@jameso said in XCP-ng 8.3 public alpha
No offence to cocoon for doing great work with their release, but will v20.04.01 or variant be made available to support 8.3?
Just my 2 cents:
I think chances are a bit better now, because it looks like both teams (XCP-NG and Citrix) are working more closely together now.
In the past I would have said that development goes much more in different directions and so new things would usually not be added to the client as nobody is really working on it.But now it could happen maybe if release is near or ready. I would not expect it for alphas and betas, but mostly depends on if @borzel will find the time then.
@cocoon VM actions are already planned (next step after the graphs, so maybe before 2023, but there's very little time now
About ublock, I don't remember having issues with it, but obviously, we'll test
(also, on the longer run, if the "online version" will fail to load, we'll fallback to an locally "older" installed version.
In that Browser I have even more blockers like AdNauseam + uBlock + NoScript, but the problem can be the same, just to remember that Browsers might have blocking utils in it if there is a problem for someone. -
But that's weird that Adblockers will block our domain, which is harmless and without any spam
How could we explain it's "flagged"?
I can't explain it, just had seen the error
and here it seems to have happened, too:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/62646075/19868457 -
Might worth a contact to the plugin authors to put it in a authorized list (or avoid to put it in a block list)
Is this release technically the point where XCP-ng starts to veer off more from the XS source as to my understanding they're already keeping some parts out of public repos nowdays?
It'd be interesting to see newer Xen for example in the future and the SMAPIv3!
We can't answer since it's not only on us. But on our side, we have more knowledge and more capabilities than previously to make our own moves. However, we want to keep our "upstream first" philosophy and convince XS to stay close to us. That's why we spend some times to get decent pull requests and some patience to get them merged
We truly hope to share a common future where we wouldn't have to work twice on the same problems, but instead share our man power to be more efficient together. The rest is on XS team
Also, as said before, in increasing order of complexity:
- Get a more recent Xen version
- Get a more recent Linux kernel version
- Get a more recent platform (beyond CentOS 7)
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if this is a bug or if it is something specific to my setup. But.. I just noticed that a 'rescan' seems to be happening on my lab server every 30 seconds..
I noticed this because I was making a new template for XOCE and was deleting snapshots (viewing the /var/log/SMlog to wait until the coalescing was complete) and noticed that this was happening.
I will include the log file for viewing.. The log file is trimmed from 0730 -> present so it would fit in the posting limits.. But this was happening from the begging of the rotated logfile..
This is normal
Adding @ronan-a in the loop to get a confirmation that SMAPIv1 is scanning every 30 secs.
@Anonabhar Could you upload the other logs (xensource.log, daemon.log, etc)? There is no valid reason to have a call to
(not a SR scan) every 30s if there is nothing to coalesce. -
@ronan-a Sure.. I would be happy to... I just had to append a .txt to the end of the file in order to upload it.. Please remove .txt and decompress