"Hello World!"
Thanks for all those that have created this website and XCP-ng! I have been a user of xen since v4, and have migrated from v4 to v5-v6-v7. Xen is a wonderful piece of software. I have 4 dom0s and 46 domUs that I manage in my private cloud.
Looking forward to looking at the new releases, and continuing on into the future with XCP-ng.
I'm an admin, running complete company IT in different locations (inhouse, company group, datacenter) and some IT for customers. First I worked as an developer at my company and transformed to an admin.
We used bare metal for years, since 2008 VmWare ESXi and XenServer starting from version 6.5. XenCenter (for administering/setup) and XenOrchestra (user self-service, backups, Windows-less access to vm's) are my main tools at work.
In my freetime I'm currently trying to help with the building and branding of "XenCenter"/xenadmin/XCP-Center or how you will call it in future (https://github.com/xcp-ng/xenadmin). This is my first real contribution to an open source project and I'm very
exitedexcitedGreat Project!
Linux inside since 2003. I've been using various of virtualization (Xen and VMWare mostly). Big fan of Open Source, Debian GNU/Linux and everything around it. I'd like to help every way I can
I have virtualization as hobby and I used Xenserver 7.2 before XCP-ng. I use it mainly in my home environment. In my freetime I am working together with @borzel to build the XenCenter for XCP-ng. I am currently build the MSI installer for it.
Hi everybody.
I am one-man- IT guy.
Everywhere I worked, I implemented virtualisation for ease of use. Began with VMW ESXi, then discovered XenServer 6.
Since I am using 2 server pool scenario, I am interested in this feature. For now, this is implemented using HA-LIZARD solution.
I am glad community is alive and will be testing XCP-ng this week. I can help financially and testing vise. -
I manage a two-server pool for a high school club with a tiny budget. We try to use open-source or in-house software as much as possible, so being able to move from Citrix's jail of a licensing system to XCP-NG is really great! We've got two X3650 M3s running XenServer and HA-Lizard that I hope to move to XCP-NG.
If I could ask for one thing, it would be XenCenter running (or under mono) in Linux.
@angelrey said in Introduce yourself!:
If I could ask for one thing, it would be XenCenter running (or under mono) in Linux.
Use Xen Orchestra
See this thread: https://xcp-ng.org/forum/topic/5/xen-orchestra
Does XOA support managing link bonding and custom fields? HA-Lizard requires both unfortunately.
I'm not sure to see the connection. It's a web UI for XenServer and XCP-ng, to manage, backup and delegate VMs.
Our system uses HA-Lizard to sync local storage between our two machines. In order to shut down the cluster, we need to change values in the custom fields that xencenter supports to disable HA-Lizard's VM auto-restarting and disk replication. To be honest, I've only tried XOA very briefly and I'll definitely give it a try when I get a chance, but as far as I know it doesn't support some of the things that we need.
If it's just exposing some custom fields to expose in XO, this would be trivial
You can report missing features here: http://github.com/vatesfr/xen-orchestra/
Ooh ok! Will do
Hi everyone, I'm a sysadmin at a College in Montreal, Canada. Been XenServer free edition users since version 5.0. As for probably many of you, 7.3 was the last straw for us from Citrix, so really happy to see this project picking up!
@lavamind good. I was following a different thread of the bug. Back to try iscsi again.
Hi guys! I'm Claudio from Italy.
I work daily as Enterprise System Engineer and DevOp and. I use XenServer since 6.2 and setup lots of standalone and cluster enviroments.
I really appriaciate XO and XCP-NG projects! -
I have been using Xen since 2012 when I started working on a team to develop an Orchestration layer for an IaaS company. Having experience with XO for the last year, I am impressed with the features available for my home lab. I am excited to see a similar evolution of XCP-ng.
I've been using XEN for quite a while and am used to it. I started on XCP b 4.9 or some such several years ago. Thanks for starting this project. In the next few months, I'll be converting my XS 7.2 to XCP-ng. I'll post back.
Hi all,
Long time user of XS / XO. Looking forward to switching to XCP-ng.
My interest in Xen is for home use. I'm in the pursuit of HA at home so that when I travel for work I am less likely to get angry family tech support calls. Everything from my firewall (Sophos), DNS, DHCP, security camera NVR, and TV DVR via CableCard tuners is dependant on my virtual environment. Right now I have two hyperconverged hosts running ESXi and Starwind VSAN. Everything is working well but when I started down this path a few months ago I wanted to give XenServer a try. VMWare is what I know and have used for many years at work (since 3.x) but I wanted to learn something new. The Citrix free licensing changes scared me away and so I stuck with what I knew. Now that XCP-ng is a reality I am eager to try it. I'll build it up on my existing cluster to start with using nested virtualization and if all goes well I'll switch everything over once I'm comfortable. For my shared storage I plan to try building a Gluster VSAN with 2 replicas and an arbiter. I maybe even try HA-Lizard. Will definitely be using XO.