@angelrey said in Introduce yourself!:
If I could ask for one thing, it would be XenCenter running (or under mono) in Linux.
Use Xen Orchestra
See this thread: https://xcp-ng.org/forum/topic/5/xen-orchestra
Does XOA support managing link bonding and custom fields? HA-Lizard requires both unfortunately.
I'm not sure to see the connection. It's a web UI for XenServer and XCP-ng, to manage, backup and delegate VMs.
Our system uses HA-Lizard to sync local storage between our two machines. In order to shut down the cluster, we need to change values in the custom fields that xencenter supports to disable HA-Lizard's VM auto-restarting and disk replication. To be honest, I've only tried XOA very briefly and I'll definitely give it a try when I get a chance, but as far as I know it doesn't support some of the things that we need.
If it's just exposing some custom fields to expose in XO, this would be trivial
You can report missing features here: http://github.com/vatesfr/xen-orchestra/
Ooh ok! Will do
Hi everyone, I'm a sysadmin at a College in Montreal, Canada. Been XenServer free edition users since version 5.0. As for probably many of you, 7.3 was the last straw for us from Citrix, so really happy to see this project picking up!
@lavamind good. I was following a different thread of the bug. Back to try iscsi again.
Hi guys! I'm Claudio from Italy.
I work daily as Enterprise System Engineer and DevOp and. I use XenServer since 6.2 and setup lots of standalone and cluster enviroments.
I really appriaciate XO and XCP-NG projects! -
I have been using Xen since 2012 when I started working on a team to develop an Orchestration layer for an IaaS company. Having experience with XO for the last year, I am impressed with the features available for my home lab. I am excited to see a similar evolution of XCP-ng.
I've been using XEN for quite a while and am used to it. I started on XCP b 4.9 or some such several years ago. Thanks for starting this project. In the next few months, I'll be converting my XS 7.2 to XCP-ng. I'll post back.
Hi all,
Long time user of XS / XO. Looking forward to switching to XCP-ng.
My interest in Xen is for home use. I'm in the pursuit of HA at home so that when I travel for work I am less likely to get angry family tech support calls. Everything from my firewall (Sophos), DNS, DHCP, security camera NVR, and TV DVR via CableCard tuners is dependant on my virtual environment. Right now I have two hyperconverged hosts running ESXi and Starwind VSAN. Everything is working well but when I started down this path a few months ago I wanted to give XenServer a try. VMWare is what I know and have used for many years at work (since 3.x) but I wanted to learn something new. The Citrix free licensing changes scared me away and so I stuck with what I knew. Now that XCP-ng is a reality I am eager to try it. I'll build it up on my existing cluster to start with using nested virtualization and if all goes well I'll switch everything over once I'm comfortable. For my shared storage I plan to try building a Gluster VSAN with 2 replicas and an arbiter. I maybe even try HA-Lizard. Will definitely be using XO.
Hi all
Have been using Xen Server since version 7.2, haven't updated since then. Spun up XCP-NG as a test bed and like it very very much.
We are an all Linux house primarily but we do host some Windows Systems for our clients (We're an MSP) which run on HyperV. My Main Linux servers are being moved over to XCP-NG, I also have a couple more servers ready to load it onto, which are going to be a backup for when HyperV fails (which it inevitably will because, Windows).
One of the clients which we manage is an all Windows house with Hyper-V, so I am also going to put in an XCP-NG server as a backup platform 'just in case' this is where Xen Center manager would be good as there are a couple of die-hard Windows admins within the company who will not even entertain the idea of XCP-NG unless it has some sort of Windows side management. Thanks to this forum I have found the MSI to Install Xen Center. This will be a big help.Also I didnt know that building XOA (Community) from source would give you the full version.
Like I Say we are an all Linux house here, we are SC Tech Systems from the UK and we manage IT Support and Services for local and regional small to large businesses - XCP-NG is going to be a big platform for us and the way we run our services!!
Will certainly be keeping an eye on this forum.
Chris - SC Tech Systems - Director. -
I work with VMWare and used free ESXI for home for a while now but have been interested in Xen for a few months now. When XCP-ng was available I soon downloaded and installed and are looking forward to furture releases. It is replacing the free ESXI I have at home and with XOC its is a great setup. I want to get freenas working as a VM with passthrough but struggling at the moment.
I have been using Xen for nearly 10 years, now. I started with VirtualIron and changed over to Xenserver when Citrix closed VI.
My use-case is mostly a company-network of a mid-size-company.I still think Xenserver/XCP-ng is one of the best platforms (thats why I became a sponsor). There are no very good alternatives.
- VMWare is only a good solution if you pay for the "large" Enterprise bundles
- Proxmox/oVirt is very limited
- HyperV is a Microsoft Product...
What I really like on Xenserver/XCP-ng is the possiblity to run the same Hypervisor with the same featureset on every test-server, production-cluster, and the possibility to live-migrate between pools.
working / worked with VMWare for some time now as professional IT employee and as a user of a XEN server by my VPS vendor. Never worked with Xenserver or XO(A) till now.
At home I have three linux servers on old hardware and was looking for a way to simplify installations and updates and get rid of the old hardware.
Seen the kickstarter project, backed, and got a link
Last weekend I installed XCP-ng and after 4 attempts (my fault: never use a new server without updating the firmwares) it was working and running. Main repository on the server itself, second one on the NAS and iso-repo on the nas. Installed first Xen Orchestra to install a new VM and then installed XO to use as main console for installation. It was / is not clear for me if this is the right way but it works.Installed several linux servers for testing and decomissioned the first hardware one after a few hours. I am impressed with the ease of installation and the usage of Xo, also thanks to @DustinB for the install scripts.
Seems that I have now an easy way of getting to know other stuff and playing with osΒ΄ses without being kicked around by my wife to remove my machines from the dining table.
Thanks for this project!
I am a sysadmin for more than 20 years now, and work for a lot of different customers (profit an non-profits) using a mix of windows and linux. I use Xenserver for virtualization for several years (started with 5.5) and i really like the product.
IMHO the best virtualization solution around.
I got caught by the 7.1 Citrix trick (don't mention 7.3) and I love the route to XCP-ng.
XEN is a beautiful product and should no be killed by Citrix,
and in the open it can blossom. -
I'm using Xen since 2008 as hosting provider then in 2014 due to a problem on one of my servers I switched to XenServer primary for ease of administration with XenCenter before and Xen Orchestra after. Then reading XO Blog I discovered XCP-ng, I installed a pool of 2 servers for test and waiting for stable realase to upgrade all my servers, some still on Xen 4.6, to XCP-ng.
@olivierlambert : i saw You don't have an Italian translation of XO, If You want to prepare the translation file like for DE one I can help.