Unable to connect to backblaze b2
@florent I have created a new key that is bucket specific. I added the credentials but I assume I must need premium as it says feature unauthorised. I have already used the trial up. Not sure if that is an issue.
Do you need XOA connected to a xenserver? If not I don't mind leaving the tunnel open and you can take a look when you like.
There are a few test backups in the bucket, nothing I need.
This post is deleted! -
@Pete thanks I will look into it . You can delete your message with the id.
I will be able to find my way ( I will install the stand alone packages @xen-orchestra/fs that contains the s3 logic ) -
@florent No problem.
@Pete it looks like the backblaze bucket was created with an encryption key . Can you put the encryption key on the XOA ?
@florent From the XO side, yes I was testing that. I have added the key.
@Pete could you tests this branch in your xo from the source ?
fix_s3_permission_object_lock` from this PR https://github.com/vatesfr/xen-orchestra/pull/7195 -
@florent I have installed the branch and that solves the problem
@Pete great, I will merge it by the end of the week
@olivierlambert No problem at all, it was my pleasure. I hope it helps other having the issue.