XOCE Integration with OpenLDAP
You need to find/read documentation on LDAP filter for your server. Then it will work
Dear, is it possible to search with the "group and users" option?
Best regards,
Wesley Santos -
@wesleylc1 As @olivierlambert said, this is an LDAP config issue, you need to know the structure of your LDAP server.
plugin comes with a CLI which is useful to test various configuration and figure out what is wrong:$ /usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server-auth-ldap/dist/test-cli.js ? uri
Dear @julien-f ,
I was able to perform the integration with "OpenLDAP", but I can not apply the filter using "" memberOf "", I could identify, the filter does not occur because my "LDAP" uses old parameters, filters using the "memberUid" attribute. You have some examples of how I can apply to filter group users with the "memberUid" attribute.
Best regards,
Wesley Santos -
@wesleylc1 It really depends of the structure of your LDAP server.
I've just committed a new version of the plugin which makes the test CLI displays the matched entry on success, this helps figuring out what should be put in the filter field.
$ xo-server-auth-ldap ? uri ldap://ldap.company.net ? fill optional certificateAuthorities? No ? fill optional checkCertificate? No ? fill optional bind? No ? base ou=people,dc=company,dc=net ? fill optional filter? No configuration saved in ./ldap.cache.conf ? Username john.smith ? Password [hidden] searching for entries... . 1 entries found attempting to bind as uid=john.smith,ou=people,dc=company,dc=net successfully bound as uid=john.smith,ou=people,dc=company,dc=net => john.smith authenticated { "messageID": 1, "protocolOp": "SearchEntry", "objectName": "uid=john.smith,ou=people,dc=company,dc=net", "attributes": [ { "type": "cn", "vals": [ "John Smith" ] }, { "type": "gidNumber", "vals": [ "10000" ] }, { "type": "givenName", "vals": [ "John" ] }, { "type": "homeDirectory", "vals": [ "/home/john.smith" ] }, { "type": "initials", "vals": [ "JSH" ] }, { "type": "loginShell", "vals": [ "/bin/bash" ] }, { "type": "mail", "vals": [ "john.smith@company.net" ] }, { "type": "objectClass", "vals": [ "posixAccount", "inetOrgPerson", "organizationalPerson", "person" ] }, { "type": "sn", "vals": [ "Smith" ] }, { "type": "uid", "vals": [ "john.smith" ] }, { "type": "uidNumber", "vals": [ "10000" ] } ], "controls": [] }
@julien-f With this test option would be perfect to find out which filter should I use, how do I update to this version of the plugin?
? uri 192.168.XX.XX ? fill optional certificateAuthorities? No ? fill optional checkCertificate? No ? fill optional bind? No ? base ou=BH,o=PRJ,c=BR ? fill optional filter? No configuration saved in ./ldap.cache.conf ? Username cn=adm,c=br ? Password [hidden] ā 192.168.xx.xx is an invalid LDAP url (protocol) TypeError: 192.168.XX.XX is an invalid LDAP url (protocol) at Object.parse (/opt/xen-orchestra/node_modules/ldapjs/lib/url.js:16:13) at new Client (/opt/xen-orchestra/node_modules/ldapjs/lib/client/client.js:310:16) at createClient (/opt/xen-orchestra/node_modules/ldapjs/lib/client/index.js:54:12) at /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-auth-ldap/dist/index.js:204:47 at Generator.next (<anonymous>) at asyncGeneratorStep (/opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-auth-ldap/dist/index.js:24:103) at _next (/opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-auth-ldap/dist/index.js:26:194) at /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-auth-ldap/dist/index.js:26:364 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-auth-ldap/dist/index.js:26:97
Best regards,
Wesley Santos -
It depends how you installed it, unfortunately I cannot help you for this.
Once you've upgrade to the latest version, use the default filter to authenticate the user and then you will see what fields it contains, then you will be able to write the correct filter.
I performed the installation through the link below.
the version of the updated plugin is already available in the Jarli repositories?
Best regards,
Wesley Santos -
@julien-f Can you list what types of filters are supported by the plugin?
@wesleylc1 I'm not an expert, but it's a standard LDAP filter which is evaluated by the LDAP server, no special handling is done by the plugin itself.
@julien-f How can I download the new version of the plugin, according to the output below, I can not automatically query the filters through the script "/test-cli.js".
? uri ldap://192.168.xx.xx ? fill optional certificateAuthorities? No ? fill optional checkCertificate? No ? fill optional bind? Yes ? bind > dn cn=admin,c=br ? bind > password XXXX ? base ou=XX,o=PRJ,c=BR ? fill optional filter? Yes ? filter (&(cn=gp-ti-infra)(memberUID={{name}})) configuration saved in ./ldap.cache.conf ? Username user01 ? Password [hidden] attempting to bind with as cn=admin,c=br... successfully bound as cn=admin,c=br searching for entries... . 1 entries found attempting to bind as cn=gp-ti-test,ou=Grupos,ou=XX,o=PRJ,c=BR failed to bind as cn=gp-ti-test,ou=Grupos,ou=XX,o=PRJ,c=BR: Invalid Credentials could not authenticate user1
@wesleylc1 For the upgrade, you need to ask the people behind the install script you used.
Concerning the output, it will only show the entry if the authentication was successful, that's why you need to start by using the default filter.
The default filter is (uid = {{name}})?
@julien-f the filter "(& (cn = gp-ti-test) (memberUID = {{name}}))" is to release access to users of a group but "bind as" is not being mounted as it should
? uri ldap://192.168.XX.XX ? fill optional certificateAuthorities? No ? fill optional checkCertificate? No ? fill optional bind? Yes ? bind > dn cn=adm,c=br ? bind > password ***** ? base ou=BH,o=PRJ,c=BR ? fill optional filter? Yes ? filter (&(cn=gp-ti-teste)(memberUID={{name}})) configuration saved in ./ldap.cache.conf ? Username user1 ? Password [hidden] attempting to bind with as cn=adm,c=br... successfully bound as cn=adm,c=br searching for entries... . 1 entries found attempting to bind as cn=gp-ti-teste,ou=Grupos,ou=BH,o=PRJ,c=BR failed to bind as cn=gp-ti-teste,ou=Grupos,ou=BH,o=PRJ,c=BR: Invalid Credentials could not authenticate user1
Best regards,
Wesley Santos -
This does not appear to be an XO issue, more a config issue, I don't have much time to investigate this any further, maybe the rest of the community can help on this.
thank you.
you using openldap or trying to integrate with an actual MSAD ?
My settings (to connect to MSAD)
URI: ldap://adress.to.my.dc
bind dn: myUserToConnectToDC@domain.com
pass: password.to.user.in.bind.dn
base: dc=domain,dc=com (because i've had set up restrictions on my user, thats why i pointed the full catalogue)
filter: (sAMAccountName={{name}})try those
@Kudzu he uses OpenLDAP, as he said in this thread earlier.
Any news in this issue?
@wesleylc1 have You figured out how the filter should looks like? -
Hi @redy it's not an "issue", it's a configuration for the user. Our LDAP plugin is working