File Restore Not working, little red triangle
@Rocky said in File Restore Not working, little red triangle:
XO from the sources
What version for both xo-server and xo-web? If you haven't updated recently, then that would be one of the first things I would try to resolve the issue
@Danp This is the the sources and amusing I did it correctly all updated to the latest from master as of yesterday. About shows xo-server 5.66.2 and xo-web 5.70.0. vhdimount 20181227
@Danp yea, I updated yesterday, to make sure I had more recent.
@Rocky Ok... just checking.
Not sure on the vhdimount version and I'm not able to check my working setup ATM.
I know this issue has been discussed previously. Did you try searching the forum for any applicable discussions?
@Danp I did try searching I saw where there was slightly different issue with processing indicator spinning that was fixed in a commit a year ago or so.
@Rocky Try checking over in the old XO forum
@olivierlambert tried to test this on XOA. But i'm not able to get the registration to work to activate the trial of "Premium Edition"
9/29/2020, 1:49:36 PM: unknown error from the peer
@Danp I wasn't seeing how to register on the old one to enable search
@Rocky Registration is disabled, but I fixed it so that you can search as a guest
@Danp thanks, i'll get reading ...
@Rocky going to deploy XOA again .. I think the first time I got an error on one screen and then a smaller screen popped up idk .. i mean it worked for the most part the first time just couldn't register... but I'm trying again as I would love to test this is XOA.
@Rocky I deployed again, and still no luck at registering the XOA for the backup feature trial.
9/29/2020, 2:56:34 PM: unknown error from the peer
@olivierlambert XOA registration worked for me now, idk why it didn't before
@olivierlambert I can now confirm that this works fine from XOA but not for me when with XO from the sources. Any ideas about what could be wrong with my environment?
@Rocky said in File Restore Not working, little red triangle:
unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'
What process did you use to build your VM? Did you install the
library? -
@Danp I have a VM with Debian and I used the Jarli01 install script. how do I check for the nfs-common library? NFS is working, the backup repository is connected via NFS to XO.
Ok, then you should be fine since that library is installed to the script automatically. I just saw the reference to NTFS and remembered about that library.
One thing you could try is building the VM with Ubuntu instead of Debian.
So in the end I did get this working and the solution was simple, sadly so ...
apt-get install ntfs-3g
But a fix is a fix, wish I would have realized this was needed sooner. Posting here to hopefully help out someone in the future.
@Rocky special note, sometimes i get the little red triangle still, but if I click again on the partition it works.
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