I will gently tease @olivierlambert by noting that the article says Citrix underestimated the importance of homelab users - as The Register paraphrases :
"However, this hit one particular sub-community of free users that one engineer Headland interviewed called the "weird systems users": hobbyists who offer virtualization to non-profit and charity users, using old, out-of-maintenance hardware that had been inherited or passed on to them. Enthusiast users, with no funds to buy licenses, but who had been among the most important finders and fixers of bugs. Unable to use the free version any more, they were forced to move to other products … or create them."
I know and accept that the priority must always be production-style hardware and the objective with xcp-ng will never be Proxmox-esque coverage of nearly all x86 hardware that runs Debian. But I do hope the homelabbers like @Andrew and @abufrejoval get some love too for helping xcp-ng keep up with emerging hardware (like the latest NUCs and similar Project TinyMiniMicro systems), and I for one am immensely grateful for that work - and by extension of course Vates for being willing and flexible to allow it to be added to xcp-ng. The product is all the richer for that.