After the CBT feature was added to the backup method, The error "VDI must be free or attached to exactly one VM" was occurring on our system. Today I upgraded XO to the e15f2a1 and tried taking full and delta backups with Continuous Replication. Now everything works fine.
NBD connection enabled, NBD+CBT backup enabled, XCP-ng 8.2, CR backup from FC storage to NFS storage.

RE: CBT: the thread to centralize your feedback
Remember me option and SAML
I configured the server to be able to log in with saml. The "Remember me" option shouldn't appear when logging in with SAML, right? -
RE: Stats position
This is an old topic but I want to give information. This problem no longer occurs. The data appears above the mouse cursor where it should be.
RE: EOL: XCP-ng Center has come to an end (New Maintainer!)
Thank you @michael-manley. This is great news
RE: EOL: XCP-ng Center has come to an end (New Maintainer!)
@borzel Thank you very much for your efforts so far.
RE: Backup speed
I want to share a new backup speed record after a long time. Top speed 727.9 MBps. Avarage 680-700 MBps. 1 CR Job with 5 concurrency.
Speed is not constant because there are many virtual machines whose vdi-export time is shorter than snapshot time.XCP-ng 8.2, XO from source, xo-server 5.80.0, xo-web 5.84.0
Stats position
This is not an important issue, but I wanted to give information.
When I move the cursor over the statistics, the data is shown in the wrong location. This problem exists only in Firefox browser (Windows 10, Firefox 84). Edge and chrome work as expected.
Thank you.
RE: Backup speed
@olivierlambert with https, only single cpu core running 100% of XO vm. But with http all cpu core of XO vm running simultaneously.
So I give 8x3.0 GHz cpu to XO. It is never use more than 5 GB of RAM.
Also concurrent backup setting and XO on master host are improve the speed. -
Backup speed
Hello and sorry for my bad English,
Just a feedback and thanks.
My new backup speed record: 430-450 MB per second! A CR job with 6 concurrency.
Thank you very much to both Xcp-Ng and Xen Orchestra team.
NICs: Everyting 10Gbps
Source: Netapp AFF A300 (full ssd)
Destination: Synology RS3614xs+ (without ssd disks. raid6)
Host: Intel Xeon E5-2690 v2 @ 3.00GHz (2 socket)http traffic instead of https with this suggestion.
RE: Remove backup bottleneck: please report
Http ~7 times faster than https on our system for cr jobs. Https ~50MB/sec. Http ~350MB/sec.
xo from source 5.60
xcp-ng 8.0
10 gbit connection everywhere
RE: Continuous replication fails every time
@txsastre I'm taking snapshot of XO vm before every update. Simple revent it.
Because it is from source so I have no support subscription. I recommend this to you.
RE: Continuous replication fails every time
I experience this problem with CR job. xo-server 5.51.1
I revent xo-server 5.50.1. No problem with this version.I found these errors in xensource.log. maybe not related:
Importing raw VDI R:55902cfbe5b0|vhd_tool_wrapper] vhd-tool failed, returning VDI_IO_ERROR vhd-tool output: vhd-tool: Non-zero size required (either a pre-existing destination file or specified via --destination-size on the command line)
and this:
xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|Importing raw VDI R:55902cfbe5b0|import] Caught exception: VDI_IO_ERROR: [ Device I/O errors ] xapi: [debug|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|Importing raw VDI R:55902cfbe5b0|taskhelper] the status of R:55902cfbe5b0 is failure; cannot set it to `failure xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] Importing raw VDI R:55902cfbe5b0 failed with exception Server_error(VDI_IO_ERROR, [ Device I/O errors ]) xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] Raised Server_error(VDI_IO_ERROR, [ Device I/O errors ]) xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 1/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Raised at file ocaml/xapi/, line 59 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 2/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 24 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 3/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 35 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 4/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 24 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 5/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 35 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 6/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 81 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 7/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 105 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 8/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 80 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 9/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 99 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 10/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 24 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 11/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 35 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 12/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/, line 177 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] xapi: [debug|XenServer-08|13023 UNIX /var/lib/xcp/xapi||dummytaskhelper] task dispatch:session.logout D:8800126a89c1 created by task D:8f42c874d788 xapi: [ info|XenServer-08|13023 UNIX /var/lib/xcp/xapi|session.logout D:04108f92fdfe|xapi] Session.destroy trackid=4319d4a602955613971f7a77e5c9e8cf xapi: [debug|XenServer-08|640 |xapi events D:0b0842fbd22a|xenops] Event on VM 20192c0a-8918-4e11-8e80-1ac10ff145d1; resident_here = true xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|import] Caught exception in import handler: VDI_IO_ERROR: [ Device I/O errors ] xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] VDI.import D:8f42c874d788 failed with exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, "single_write", "") xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] Raised Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, "single_write", "") xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 1/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Raised at file, line 326 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 2/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-unix/, line 463 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 3/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-unix/, line 465 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 4/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 141 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 5/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 80 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 6/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 99 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 7/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 24 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 8/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file, line 135 xapi: [debug|XenServer-08|640 |xapi events D:0b0842fbd22a|dummytaskhelper] task timeboxed_rpc D:647b3dd768d7 created by task D:0b0842fbd22a xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 9/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file, line 148 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80||backtrace] VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74 failed with exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, "single_write", "") xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80||backtrace] Raised Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, "single_write", "") xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80||backtrace] 1/1 xapi @ XenServer-08 Raised at file (Thread 12899 has no backtrace table. Was with_backtraces called?, line 0 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80||backtrace]
RE: daily Continuous Replication backup in XO
@karlisi said in daily Continuous Replication backup in XO:
... this is happening only on first schedule after each XO restart. Next schedules are working without issues.
Hello again,
My CR jobs are same. This is happening only first schedule after each XO restart as @karlisi said. -
RE: daily Continuous Replication backup in XO
Same problem here. Job start 2 seconds before scheduled time. And start again 2 seconds later exact scheduled time. First run finish successfully. Second run fail with this error: "the job (...) is already running"XO 5.50.1 from source.
RE: Continuous Replication fails with VDI_IO_ERROR(Device I/O errors) on fresh XOA install after XenServer 7.2 -> XCP-ng 8.0 upgrade
'guessVhdSizeOnImport: true' looks like solved the problem 9 day ago. But I'm getting same error sometimes and randomly since that day.
Daily CR job have 31 VMs. Some day successful 31/31. But some days one or two VM replication fail with tis message: VDI_IO_ERROR(Device I/O errors).
I think my problem still related with this topic. -
RE: Continuous Replication fails with VDI_IO_ERROR(Device I/O errors) on fresh XOA install after XenServer 7.2 -> XCP-ng 8.0 upgrade
@olivierlambert I've just tried and yes, 'guessVhdSizeOnImport: true' solved the problem.
RE: Continuous Replication fails with VDI_IO_ERROR(Device I/O errors) on fresh XOA install after XenServer 7.2 -> XCP-ng 8.0 upgrade
Same problem here after upgrade xcp-ng 7.6 to 8.0
RE: XCP-ng 8.0.0 released!
Successful upgrade 8 host in 1 pool from xcp-ng 7.6 to xcp-ng 8.0.
81 VMs. No downtime.Thank you xcp-ng team.
RE: XCP-ng Center 8.0.0 released
No "Edit" button issue on my xcp-ng center 8.0.1. It's appear as normal.
RE: XCP-ng 8.2 updates announcements and testing
@stormi installed on our pool hosts. Hosts boot normal. No vm boot issue Linux and Windows.