@Zevgeny Did you succeed to remove the protection with "xe vm-param-clear"?
It didn't worked perfectly for me.
Before I use xe vm-param-clear, I have the following:
[18:28 xcpng02 ~]# xe vm-param-list uuid=37b7a201-eb45-b7de-5ce4-da25b1c7b547 | grep block
blocked-operations (MRW): pause: true; hard_shutdown: true; (unknown operation): true; hard_reboot: true; clean_shutdown: true; suspend: true; clean_reboot: true
[18:28 xcpng02 ~]#
Now I try to clean:
[18:28 xcpng02 ~]# xe vm-param-clear uuid=37b7a201-eb45-b7de-5ce4-da25b1c7b547 param-name=blocked-operations
The value given is invalid
field: blocked_operation
value: (unknown operation)
[18:28 xcpng02 ~]#
After, "blocked-operations" looks like this:
[18:28 xcpng02 ~]# xe vm-param-list uuid=37b7a201-eb45-b7de-5ce4-da25b1c7b547 | grep block
blocked-operations (MRW): (unknown operation): true; hard_reboot: true; clean_shutdown: true; suspend: true; clean_reboot: true
[18:30 xcpng02 ~]#
In the GUI of XOA, the "Protect from accidental shutdown" is removed but not on the command line.