Thanks for the tests. I have now moved the updates candidates to the updates repository, so everybody who installed 7.5RC1 should see the updates soon.
If someone fails to build, maybe the git-lfs in not properly initialised. To fetch the lfs-files after git clone you can do a git lfs fetch.
weird ... after the second time installing git-lfs and again cloning the repo, it worked...
Since we do NOT use supplemental packs but directly RPMs, it's a bit different. We got a build env dedicated to that:
If you have questions, please ask @stormi
Document updated: new, simpler, branch structure for the repositories + section added to detail how we handle experimental changes to existing packages.
@borzel The button seems like it was just randomly dropped on the page. I would suggest moving it directly below the checkbox group and the boot parameters entry field.
My 2cts...
@tzirechnoy Thats ok as it would work for you. And as @stormi mentioned, there is no difference in binaries except the ones he mentioned. So you would not see any execution differences.
@maxcuttins There are two packages. User level blktap driver that you referred blktap and a builtin kernel driver blktap2. Said patch is against mainline kernel as additional driver.
You still need to have user land blktap from
There are instructions lying around to build user land blktap (its without patch).