Only updated one host in my pool so far, but it has my TrueNAS VM and network performance looks comparable
Actually quite an improvement in comparison to my results above
root@FILE001:~ # iperf -c ------------------------------------------------------------ Client connecting to, TCP port 5001 TCP window size: 80.8 KByte (default) ------------------------------------------------------------ [ 3] local port 35576 connected with port 5001 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 0.0-10.1 sec 6.30 GBytes 5.36 Gbits/sec root@FILE001:~ # iperf -s ------------------------------------------------------------ Server listening on TCP port 5001 TCP window size: 64.0 KByte (default) ------------------------------------------------------------ [ 4] local port 5001 connected with port 54773 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 4] 0.0-10.0 sec 3.57 GBytes 3.06 Gbits/sec
Also done a VM reboot now and no passthrough issues
Just in time
Updates now published: https://xcp-ng.org/blog/2021/04/01/april-2021-1st-security-bugfixe-update/
@stormi Security updates on April 1st
@jmccoy555 Yeah. Install them today and they'll turn your hosts into VMware.
@stormi Isn't that a virus, not a bug fix????
New xsconsole fix to test for 8.2
New update candidate are available for testing and due to be released as official updates.
Original topic:
yum clean metadata --enablerepo=xcp-ng-testing yum update xsconsole --enablerepo=xcp-ng-testing systemctl restart xsconsole.service
What to test
Changing the DNS settings from the XSConsole and the change is retain after a reboot.
@benjireis said in Updates announcements and testing:
What to test
Changing the DNS settings from the XSConsole and the change is retain after a reboot.
And, of course, as usual, that you don't notice any obvious regression in XSConsole.
@stormi Did not even know the problem existed
. Anyway, added a new (second) DNS server ( to the DNS server list via
and rebooted the host (XCP-ng 8.2.0 fully patched).Before update: DNS did not persist, only the previous settings are shown
After update: DNS did persist the reboot and is listed together with the previous settingsDeleting DNS worked as well, so the
update worked for me. -
IIRC, it's on old problem reported a long time ago to Citrix. But they never fixed it.
edit: and thanks again @gskger for your tests, it matters a lot!
@olivierlambert as always, it is a pleasure to help and also easy to do and to contribute. Oh and @BenjiReis - sorry for not replying to your initial post.
@gskger Thanks for the report!
Experimental feature: select a network to evacuate an host
A new feature is available in our testing repo: select a network for host evacuation, this would allow to evacuate an host on any (faster) given network instead of the management one.To access the feature, on all your hosts (always starting with master when in a pool):
yum update --enablerepo=xcp-ng-testing xapi-core-1.249.5-1.1.0.evacnet.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 xapi-xe-1.249.5-1.1.0.evacnet.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 xapi-tests-1.249.5-1.1.0.evacnet.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64
And restart your hosts.WHAT TO TEST
Host evacuation not on the management network (probably a 10G storage network to go faster!)
You can runxe host-evacuate host=<host_uuid> network-uuid=<network_uuid>
Or a XAPI client can callhost.evacuate
with anetwork
ref parameter.
Host evacuation without the optionnal new parameter should behave as before the update.Please report here if anything goes wrong (or right hopefully
) and if you spot a regression as well.
Edit: there are no plans for now to add this feature in 8.2 LTS, the package will probably stay in the testing repo for 8.2 and will be available in 8.3. It means that the package would be erased at next xapi update.
Up! Poor @BenjiReis needs some feedback
@benjireis Had some time for testing and installed the update on my two host playlab (DELL Optiplex 9010, XCP-ng 8.2.0 fully pathed). This are identical hosts with an onboard NIC (Intel 82579LM, eth0) and a dual port NIC (Intel 82571EB/82571GB, eth1 and eth2). Both are connected to a Synology as shared storage.
- Starting with the master, both hosts updated and rebooted without an issue.
- Live migration of Debian, Ubuntu, Centos and Windows 10 VMs works (with and without guest tools installed).
- Host evacuation over eth0 (Management network) without the new
parameter works as before. - Host evacuation over eth1 (Storage network) with the new parametrer works at full gigabit speed.
Still working on 10G in my playlab, so i only have 1G available, but host evacuation over a non- management network works with the new
parameter. -
@gskger Thanks for the report! This is greatly appreciated!
New update candidates for 8.2, including guest SecureBoot support
Several update candidates are ready for testing.
Description of the changes
- The updated
brings guest SecureBoot support. The number one priority it to check that UEFI VMs still work well in various situations (including backups, restore from older backups, fresh install after the update was installed...). For SecureBoot support itself, usage detailed at https://github.com/xcp-ng/xcp-ng-org/pull/85/files currently until we merge the instructions to the official docs. We'll create a dedicated thread to discuss this feature. - Updated XAPI brings the latest fixes from Citrix hotfix XS82E020.
- Updated storage manager (
) brings the latest fixes from Citrix hotfix XS82E023 as well as a fix for a minor regression this hotfix brought (detected by @ronan-a and reported upstream with a patch proposal), an experimental MooseFS driver contributed by the MooseFS developers (not enabled by default), and a fix for NFS SR creation with some QNAP devices (contributed upstream, to thesm
project, but still waiting for review after ~4 months). - Updated
fixes DNS settings management: when changed from the text UI, DNS settings were not saved to the XAPI and were thus lost after a reboot (not contributed upstream], because there's no public git repository for XSConsole unfortunately). - Updated blktap fixes a rare crash in specific situations.
- Updated guest tools ISO brings support for new OSes and versions, such as CentoS 8.3+ & Stream, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, fixed installation on FreePBX... Those have already been tested in this thread but more tests are always welcome.
How to update (XCP-ng 8.2 only)
yum update blktap forkexecd message-switch rrdd-plugins sm sm-rawhba uefistored xapi-core xapi-tests xapi-xe xcp-ng-pv-tools xcp-ng-release xcp-ng-release-config xcp-ng-release-presets xenopsd xenopsd-cli xenopsd-xc xsconsole --enablerepo=xcp-ng-testing
What to test
The main goal of the testing phase is to avoid regressions, so test whatever you want. The closer to your actual use of XCP-ng, the better.
If interested, you can also test that what we claim we have fixed is actually fixed, and have a go at guest Secure Boot.
- The updated
@benjireis today I tested it but didn't reboot the host, was working after a toolstack restart. please integrate it into 8.2 LTS, a very useful feature, and we want to stay at 8.2 LTS.
@martinb Not much. I'm waiting for the developers of MooseFS to contribute documentation about how to use it.