Xen Orchestra has stopped updating commits
Are you rebuilding and then refreshing xo-web?
I amUpdate:
Correction.. I run this script I pasted above. That builds the entire code AFAIK. As to what specific portions of the code that acctually get recompile. I do not know. -
It seems like the commit info is being embedded in to xo-web package. With the new turborepo addition, xo-web isn't rebuilt each time you rebuild XO, which causes the old commit info to be displayed on the About page. AFAICS, this is benign but still misleading.
Pretty sure this is still the reason for the discrepancy.
@Danp This is exactly that
Just a small thing from my side, I know this thread is old, but perhaps it might help someone.
I am also updating my xen-orchestra the same way as @jr-m4 with a script, as per documentation instructions.
I also noted that it kept on saying I was behind a commit in the xen orchestra web interface / about page, however the commit was the latest one.
Changing my script from this:
cd /path/to/xen-orchestra/ git checkout . git pull --ff-only yarn yarn build service orchestra restart
to this, note the
yarn build --force
:cd /path/to/xen-orchestra/ git checkout . git pull --ff-only yarn yarn build --force service orchestra restart
fixed the issue, as it forces a complete rebuild, and it changes the yarn build command to run this (note the force part):
$ TURBO_TELEMETRY_DISABLED=1 turbo run build --filter xo-server --filter xo-server-'*' --filter xo-web --force
instead of this:
$ TURBO_TELEMETRY_DISABLED=1 turbo run build --filter xo-server --filter xo-server-'*' --filter xo-web
This makes the script run a bit longer, but it's not that big of a deal, and it fixes my xen orchestra web interface to always show the latest version.
That happens to me about once every six weeks on one of the XO installs. For what its worth, if I just kill the XO vm and let it reboot, as long as its not out of disk space, it always works the second time.