XCP-ng 8.3 betas and RCs feedback 🚀
@ThierryC01 Oh, I didn't think someone would upgrade from Beta1 using the ISO. Actually the test4 ISO forbids it to avoid upgrade issues.
Can you share the
file? (on a separate thread, where you can ping me) -
@stormi Thanks for your help, my VMs are back online but there is no more stats in the tab "stats" for any VM and the host, the log page gives this error multiple times:
vm.stats { "id": "3c807c46-bfdc-f33a-5954-4de92bcf3f08", "granularity": "seconds" } { "message": "Unable to get the true granularity: 5", "name": "FaultyGranularity", "stack": "FaultyGranularity: Unable to get the true granularity: 5 at XapiStats._getAndUpdateStats (file:///opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xapi-stats.mjs:305:13) at Api.#callApiMethod (file:///opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:445:20)" }
This is an error another user reported through a support ticket. Do others confirm?
I confirm the issue here
same issue.
Same here (ticket is in).
Anyone having issues with NFS SR performance too? Since the update my VMs are transferring about 140MB/s vs before the update we were seeing speeds around 440MB/s.
I'm using "dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp bs=1G oflag=dsync count=1" to test, if I SSH onto the host I can get full speed to the NFS mount but from within a VM it is much slower, this means backups are also crawling since XOA can't read the VHD very quickly.
iSCSI performance seems unaffected.
Same issue on latest 8.3 release, no stats.
OmniOS guest fails to boot in xcp-ng on version 8.3.Installation is fine: create a new vm, set viridian=false and installation progress smoothly. I've noticed that installation seem to lack PV-drivers.
When booting from freshly installed disk it panics with:
panic[cpu0]/thread=ffffffffffbc490c0: unable to configure /xpvd nexusI've tried several version of OmniOS (and latest OpenIndiana), I also tried Solaris 11.4, tried disabling apix with apix_enable=0 in /etc/system and all without success.
The same setup in xcp-ng 8.0 works like a charm with working PV-drivers (but no tools).Anyone with an idea of a workaround or even better, a resolution to this.
If you have the same problem in 8.2, then it's not 8.3 related.
@olivierlambert oh, sorry, got too carried away and did not notice this is 8.3 beta.
can confirm the stats/true granulrity issue as well
No stats :o(
but netdata seems to work -
So we are working on this issue. The format of the JSON output changed, which explains why it doesn't work in XO anymore. We'll fix it either in XCP-ng or in XO, depending on what is the best thing to do.
No stats in XO-lite v0.1.7 (0d127) , as you probably already know -
@ph7 Indeed, we know about XO lite too. Thanks
And XCP-ng 8.3 Beta 2 finally released!
Fixes are on the way for the stats issue. It involves both XCP-ng and Xen-Orchestra, so this will take a few more days.
Good news. Release at this year possible?
What xapi version now at 8.2.1? dunno how to check it. -
@stormi I assume you had issue so took file down as link is giving a 404 page not found? lol
8.3 will be obviously released this year @Tristis-Oris
For your information, the connection error icon in "Settings"-->"Remotes" that appears when entering a wrong password once, then connecting anyway afterwards with the correct password is still present after all the 8.3 updates.