XO VM Export Fails With Unknown Error
@XCP-ng-JustGreat As required, update to the current XO source commit and try again.
There were some issues with the undici code that have been resolved.
@Andrew Sorry, I should have added that it remains broken in the latest master commit 8b7e1.
@XCP-ng-JustGreat @Danp @olivierlambert Right!
Confirmed on current XOA 5.93.0 and XO source commit 8b7e1.
Exporting a VM using XVA (with or without compression) errors out with
unknown error
on the web page.Full error from log:
2024-03-31T03:42:49.816Z xo:xo ERROR HTTP request error { data: { xapi: Xapi { _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 2, _maxListeners: undefined, connect: [Function (anonymous)], _sessionCallRetryOptions: [Object], _sessionOpenRetryOptions: [Object], _sessionOpen: [Function (anonymous)], _watchEvents: [Function (anonymous)], _createTransport: [Function: default], _addSyncStackTrace: [Function: identity], _callTimeout: [Function (anonymous)], _httpInactivityTimeout: 300000, _eventPollDelay: 60000, _ignorePrematureClose: true, _pool: [pool], _readOnly: false, _RecordsByType: [Object: null prototype], _reverseHostIpAddresses: false, _call: [Function (anonymous)], _roCallRetryOptions: [Object], _auth: [Object], _allowUnauthorized: true, _undiciDispatcher: [Agent], _humanId: 'root@', _transport: [Function (anonymous)], _url: [Object], _resolveConnected: undefined, _connected: [Promise [Object]], _disconnected: [Promise [Object]], _sessionId: 'OpaqueRef:34a4eac3-f034-4aa5-83e8-d876f27adbdf', _status: 'connected', _watchEventsError: undefined, _lastEventFetchedTimestamp: 1711856569804, _objects: [Collection], _debounce: 200, _objectsByRef: [Object: null prototype], _resolveObjectsFetched: undefined, _objectsFetched: [Promise [Object]], _eventWatchers: [Object: null prototype] {}, _taskWatchers: [Object: null prototype], _watchedTypes: undefined, _callRetryWhenTooManyPendingTasks: [Object], _maxUncoalescedVdis: 1, _preferNbd: false, _nbdOptions: undefined, _syncHookSecret: undefined, _syncHookTimeout: undefined, _vdiDestroyRetryWhenInUse: [Object], _genericWatchers: Set(0) {}, _objectWatchers: [Object: null prototype] {}, _guessVhdSizeOnImport: true, _restartHostTimeout: 1200000, _vmEvacuationConcurrency: 3, VDI_exportContent: [Function (anonymous)], VM_export: [Function (anonymous)], _migrateVmWithStorageMotion: [Function (anonymous)], VM_snapshot: [Function (anonymous)], getObject: [Function (anonymous)], _resolveDisconnected: [Function (anonymous)], _types: [Array], _lcToTypes: [Object: null prototype], xo: [Object], _nTasks: 3, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, vmRef: 'OpaqueRef:da534fcd-0d09-4384-a4c0-5ba5f8c37daf', compress: false, format: 'xva' }, error: TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'content-disposition') at Xo.handleExport (file:///opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202403291921/packages/xo-server/src/api/vm.mjs:1231:40), fn: 'handleExport' }
@Andrew Confirmed.
This has bugging me for days until I discovered that OVA was fine and did that instead. Should have reported also, so thanks for that. -
Haven't tried OVA but as workaround I used xolite for the XVA export.
@XCP-ng-JustGreat Thank you for your report, it should be fixed
yes, works with 0794a
@julien-f @olivierlambert I've said it before and I'll say it again: "Wow, that was fast!" You guys do more to foster international cooperation than most of our planet's governments. Keep up the great work. Thank you Vates for creating, maintaining and improving this fantastic software!
Thank you! Obviously, this wouldn't be possible without our great community