I was having a similar issue with OVA imports (using Chrome), tried a different browser (Firefox) and was able to import the OVA.
Went back to the reverse proxy and tried in Firefox, I currently have two VMs importing directly from VMware
I was having a similar issue with OVA imports (using Chrome), tried a different browser (Firefox) and was able to import the OVA.
Went back to the reverse proxy and tried in Firefox, I currently have two VMs importing directly from VMware
I had an issue with the backing up of a linux VM that had a [nobak] disk associated with it. When attempting the Health Check, I would receive the following error
waitObjectState: timeout reached before OpaqueRef:7c60ab35-dba3-4c4a-887a-0f350a68c3b9 in expected state
Watching the state of the VM startup, I could see the OS would not load. I initially thought this was an issue with XO, but earlier I realised it was the host OS hanging.
This was due to the OS not being able to mount the disk from the health check, as it was not backed up due to [nobak].
Modifying the /etc/fstab in the host OS to include nofail resolved the health check failure. Eg.
UUID=a2c230fd-13e0-4453-9d56-1ab123bfad9e /Cache xfs defaults,nofail 0 0
Hopefully this will help anybody experiencing similar issues.
@olivierlambert many thanks for the very quick response, it is indeed XO from sources. I think the burst explanation makes sense.
Also, thanks for you and your teams continued development and support with both XCP-NG and XO.