@julien-f what do you think?
RE: XOA Failing on Check-in
So it's the case in an IPv6 context I assume, right?
RE: CBT: the thread to centralize your feedback
So either we need to update
to allow a migration network parameter, OR we need to be sure thanmigrate_send
do NOT reset the CBT data if the storage do not change. @psafont Do you have a preference on which one we need to do upstream? -
RE: LDAP Authentication with OpenLDAP backend?
We used it since a while internally (before switching to OIDC) but I think we did not use group sync. I wonder if @nathanael-h could take a look to spot anything obvious.
RE: CBT: the thread to centralize your feedback
Adding @psafont in the loop because it seems we should use
with a network migration and/ormigrate_send
not resetting the CBT. -
RE: 2CRSI BIOS update not available
I'm not aware of this problem, have you changed the mode (BIOS vs UEFI) after BIOS update? I think we already tested a BIOS update and it worked well. Let me ping @AtaxyaNetwork about this.
RE: Pool master role
Yes, you need a master available to get XO (or any client) to manage it. But without a master, the other pool members will continue to run their existing VMs. You can promote any other node as the master if you need to.
But in a DR case, I don't see the need to have those 2 hosts in the same pool. Having 2 different pools is better because whatever happen into one won't affect the other (which is what one wants in a DR scenario)
RE: Speed Limit - Overall, per VM or NBD connection ?
Check in the health view if you have VDI attached to the control domain.
Regarding the other question: the speed limit is in MiB/s: it's Bytes not Bits.
RE: Speed Limit - Overall, per VM or NBD connection ?
VDI in use is something else, it means the VDI is still mounted somewhere. It's very hard to tell you exactly where, maybe stuck attached to the Dom0.
For the other question, the limit should be per job total, regardless NBD or VHD.
RE: snapshot with memory crashing debian VM
@dinhngtu Does this message rings a bell to you?
"error_info": [ "INTERNAL_ERROR", "xenopsd internal error: Failure(\"Error from xenguesthelper: xenguest Invalid argument\")" ], "other_config": { "debug_info:cancel_points_seen": "26" },
RE: "Block migraton" option on the VM´s Advanced tab
Disable or prevent are indeed a lot better.
RE: snapshot with memory crashing debian VM
Which Debian version and which kernel + which xen tools are you using (and version too!). Thanks
RE: Speed Limit - Overall, per VM or NBD connection ?
Let me ask the XO team about it
RE: can`t import Mikrotik
Might worth asking Mikrotik to use our latest Rust agent
RE: can`t import Mikrotik
- The first video shows an unsupported client (XCP-ng center) and it's 2y old, and not from any official YT channel. So it's not a good guide to do this.
- You imported it successfully in Xen Orchestra, so the VM should work However, there's no agent install, because I think Mikrotik doesn't bring those tools by default. You should ask Mikrotik community about this. You can build or try the Rust binary that will be the tools in here: https://gitlab.com/xen-project/xen-guest-agent