Ping @julien-f
RE: 2CRSI BIOS update not available
I need to check because maybe you do have yet the IPMI plugin. Let me ping @stormi to discuss that to see when it will reach the repo in an update. Are you on XCP-ng 8.3 or 8.2?
RE: Wide VMs on XCP-ng
I think @dthenot or @TeddyAstie could provide some details. I would advise to open a support ticket to have a more detailed answer though (depending on your detailed infrastructure and such)
RE: Vsphere Xfer failed "DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS"
You can add more via the CLI, see
RE: Backup fails with "Body Timeout Error", "all targets have failed, step:"
Can you try on
release channel and see if you still have the error? Thanks! -
RE: Backup fails with "Body Timeout Error", "all targets have failed, step:"
We need more info on the XO version you are using XOA or XO from the sources?
RE: No plugins visible on XOA [SOLVED]
You need to be in a trial in XOA to get the plugins They aren't available in XOA Free.
You can also use XO from the sources to get them.
RE: Change VM RAM
You need to provide a bit more context than "I cannot change the RAM". Do you have an error?
RE: CBT: the thread to centralize your feedback
You manage to find a CBT issue without using any XO command, which is great because we know it's not XO now I think @dthenot is already taking a look internally.
RE: CBT: the thread to centralize your feedback
I don't think that's an XO issue, but more something weird in your XCP-ng setup that nobody can reproduce (but it doesn't mean we couldn't solve it)
RE: Zabbix on xcp-ng
If you read our doc I posted and you have limited number of deps without modifying the repo, it could be considered safe
RE: Vsphere Xfer failed "DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS"
10 VIFs could work but not out of the box, that's the issue. Try to remove some VIF and try again the import
RE: Compressed backups
I think we compress everything on flight, but I'm not sure, @florent could tell
RE: Zabbix on xcp-ng
@guiand888 Not it's not CentOS 7. It's on loosely based on it. Try to run use the regular CentOS 7 packages on it, your XCP-ng will explode. So I really insist: it is NOT CentOS 7: not using the same kernel, nor the same package for the all the critical components (kernel, Xen, OVS etc…)
Please read carefully before trying to install anything.