@manilx champion!! That's excellent! Thank you so much!
RE: 2 hosts in a pool, how to force VM to boot on a specific host. (GPUs involved)
2 hosts in a pool, how to force VM to boot on a specific host. (GPUs involved)
Hi! LOVE XCP-ng, its been the backbone of my little growing VFX studio.
I have a pool with two identical hosts, each have the same GPUs in the same slots and to the OS the slots have the same ID. Up until this point I have been doing 1 host per pool but decided to try and add more hosts to a pool to take advantage of the pool features. How do I assign a VM to a specific host? I have to manually assign the GPU passthrough so this kind of breaks the "fluidity" of the VM floating between hosts thing. (for example If I assign GPU c1 to a VM and I have two c1's on a pool how do I manage to assign c1 on host 1 and not c1 on host 2?).
Or maybe I'm not assigning GPUs correctly and there's a better way to manage these types of VMs?
RE: error -104
@tuxen No GPUs were removed. only 2 were added. The only PCIE item removed was a NIC but I didn't remove it from dom0 or assign it to any VMs, it was just in the system.
RE: error -104
@tjkreidl Yes, This node had 12GPUs in it running in a bare metal environment a year ago before being repurposed.
RE: error -104
Additionally I noticed that when SSHed into the node and working with the CLI xe commands some of them don't go through:
[16:19 gpuhost05 ~]# xe vm-list uuid ( RO) : b8e7a3c8-e68e-ac45-2dec-b04b4fc5426b name-label ( RW): vast-ws14 power-state ( RO): halted uuid ( RO) : c6b78b22-1153-4622-a5a1-1a0880b2d68f name-label ( RW): Control domain on host: gpuhost05 power-state ( RO): running [16:19 gpuhost05 ~]# xe vm-list uuid ( RO) : b8e7a3c8-e68e-ac45-2dec-b04b4fc5426b name-label ( RW): vast-ws14 power-state ( RO): halted uuid ( RO) : c6b78b22-1153-4622-a5a1-1a0880b2d68f name-label ( RW): Control domain on host: gpuhost05 power-state ( RO): running [16:19 gpuhost05 ~]# xe vm-list uuid ( RO) : b8e7a3c8-e68e-ac45-2dec-b04b4fc5426b name-label ( RW): vast-ws14 power-state ( RO): halted uuid ( RO) : c6b78b22-1153-4622-a5a1-1a0880b2d68f name-label ( RW): Control domain on host: gpuhost05 power-state ( RO): running [16:19 gpuhost05 ~]# xe vm-list Error: Connection refused (calling connect ) [16:19 gpuhost05 ~]#
I try to start a VM manually:
[16:11 gpuhost05 ~]# xe vm-start uuid=b8e7a3c8-e68e-ac45-2dec-b04b4fc5426b Lost connection to the server. [16:12 gpuhost05 ~]# xe vm-start uuid=b8e7a3c8-e68e-ac45-2dec-b04b4fc5426b Lost connection to the server. [16:12 gpuhost05 ~]# xe vm-start uuid=b8e7a3c8-e68e-ac45-2dec-b04b4fc5426b Lost connection to the server. [16:12 gpuhost05 ~]# xe vm-list uuid ( RO) : b8e7a3c8-e68e-ac45-2dec-b04b4fc5426b name-label ( RW): vast-ws14 power-state ( RO): halted uuid ( RO) : c6b78b22-1153-4622-a5a1-1a0880b2d68f name-label ( RW): Control domain on host: gpuhost05 power-state ( RO): running [16:12 gpuhost05 ~]# xe vm-start uuid=b8e7a3c8-e68e-ac45-2dec-b04b4fc5426b Lost connection to the server.
RE: error -104
We just encountered this again.
I added 2 new GPUs to the node and removed 1 (unused) NIC. Nothing else was changed in the system. Just 3 PCIe changes. The already installed and assigned GPUs were not removed or changed at all, full error:
server.enable { "id": "565d1ea8-582c-4596-ae1f-d96f95ef2c37" } { "errno": -104, "code": "ECONNRESET", "syscall": "write", "url": "", "call": { "method": "session.login_with_password", "params": "* obfuscated *" }, "message": "write ECONNRESET", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: write ECONNRESET at WriteWrap.onWriteComplete [as oncomplete] (node:internal/stream_base_commons:94:16) at WriteWrap.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17)" }
I can SSH into the node without issue.
I was looking over this: https://xcp-ng.org/docs/api.html
Tried this:
I get this error now:
server.enable { "id": "88698db1-9b95-4ca8-b690-98395145f282" } { "errno": -111, "code": "ECONNREFUSED", "syscall": "connect", "address": "", "port": 443, "url": "", "call": { "method": "session.login_with_password", "params": "* obfuscated *" }, "message": "connect ECONNREFUSED", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1300:16) at TCPConnectWrap.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17)" }
I will try this suggested same version upgrade and report back.
RE: error -104
While I was able to solve this issue the first time it popped up for us by returning the GPUs back to the DOM, this issue happened again 2 weeks ago for us and I was unable to get it to work again. We had to re-install the HOST entirely to get it to work. I'm sure this is a user error on our part by missing something. I'd very much like to know the proper workflow to solve this as XCP-ng is our backbone to our entire virtual VFX production suite.
We used this command to push the GPUs back to the DOM
/opt/xensource/libexec/xen-cmdline --delete-dom0 xen-pciback.hide
RE: error -104
@olivierlambert It was a pci passthrough issue. A device changed from 83: to 84: for no reason at all... All good now!
error -104
Hi we're getting this error via the web interface when we try to reconnect to a host but we can SSH into the node just fine.
server.enable { "id": "0e1f7b1c-9cc5-4c31-ae55-32185fcb637d" } { "errno": -104, "code": "ECONNRESET", "syscall": "write", "url": "", "call": { "method": "session.login_with_password", "params": "* obfuscated *" }, "message": "write ECONNRESET", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: write ECONNRESET at WriteWrap.onWriteComplete [as oncomplete] (node:internal/stream_base_commons:94:16) at WriteWrap.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17)" }
Apologies if this has been asked before I searched for the error number and the econnreset but didn't find anything relevant to this issue.
RE: IMPORT_ERROR after trying to import VM I just exported from XOA
@danp Sweet that worked! Thank you!!
This things pretty kickass, I was just able to duplicate a VM that was rendering heavy CG to a completely different node and had that duplicate VM rendering in less than 5 mins...
Thank you so much for the assistance!
RE: IMPORT_ERROR after trying to import VM I just exported from XOA
- XOA says its: Current version: 5.64.0
- 2 separate VMs act like this.
Thank you so much for the assistance!
IMPORT_ERROR after trying to import VM I just exported from XOA
I export a VM using the export function. It downloads a XVA file. I goto import and try to import the same export XVA and I get this error:
IMPORT_ERROR(INTERNAL_ERROR: [ (Failure Int64.of_string) ])
Using latest version and JUST updated after starting the "trial" hoping that'd fix it.
Full dump below:
HTTP handler of vm.import undefined { "code": "IMPORT_ERROR", "params": [ "INTERNAL_ERROR: [ (Failure Int64.of_string) ]" ], "url": "", "task": { "uuid": "2fe83d05-46b4-ec3b-9aa4-aa3c08f3b42a", "name_label": "[XO] VM import", "name_description": "", "allowed_operations": [], "current_operations": {}, "created": "20211220T07:54:00Z", "finished": "20211220T07:54:00Z", "status": "failure", "resident_on": "OpaqueRef:bd272387-df2d-49ed-a73e-2d2324f089af", "progress": 1, "type": "<none/>", "result": "", "error_info": [ "IMPORT_ERROR", "INTERNAL_ERROR: [ (Failure Int64.of_string) ]" ], "other_config": {}, "subtask_of": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "subtasks": [], "backtrace": "(((process xapi)(filename lib/backtrace.ml)(line 210))((process xapi)(filename ocaml/xapi/import.ml)(line 1966))((process xapi)(filename ocaml/xapi/server_helpers.ml)(line 100)))" }, "pool_master": { "uuid": "333eb4d9-3349-4ddc-a5d1-46d2df8ada21", "name_label": "microservices02", "name_description": "Default install", "memory_overhead": 2050740224, "allowed_operations": [ "vm_migrate", "provision", "vm_resume", "evacuate", "vm_start" ], "current_operations": {}, "API_version_major": 2, "API_version_minor": 16, "API_version_vendor": "XenSource", "API_version_vendor_implementation": {}, "enabled": true, "software_version": { "product_version": "8.2.0", "product_version_text": "8.2", "product_version_text_short": "8.2", "platform_name": "XCP", "platform_version": "3.2.0", "product_brand": "XCP-ng", "build_number": "release/stockholm/master/7", "hostname": "localhost", "date": "2020-11-05", "dbv": "0.0.1", "xapi": "1.20", "xen": "4.13.1-9.6.1.xcpng8", "linux": "4.19.0+1", "xencenter_min": "2.16", "xencenter_max": "2.16", "network_backend": "openvswitch", "db_schema": "5.601" }, "other_config": { "rpm_patch_installation_time": "1639958987.567", "iscsi_iqn": "iqn.2021-12.com.example:52b13bbc", "agent_start_time": "1639947685.", "boot_time": "1639947566." }, "capabilities": [ "xen-3.0-x86_64", "xen-3.0-x86_32p", "hvm-3.0-x86_32", "hvm-3.0-x86_32p", "hvm-3.0-x86_64", "" ], "cpu_configuration": {}, "sched_policy": "credit", "supported_bootloaders": [ "pygrub", "eliloader" ], "resident_VMs": [ "OpaqueRef:fbd83ece-378e-49d3-b7ee-4e623c5d8f11", "OpaqueRef:65672e13-7237-48aa-ae86-81ca87d0d5fc" ], "logging": {}, "PIFs": [ "OpaqueRef:7528ccad-65ed-4406-8d9f-accc20579152" ], "suspend_image_sr": "OpaqueRef:804ca2b5-bca5-46be-96e9-d53c0f0560d5", "crash_dump_sr": "OpaqueRef:804ca2b5-bca5-46be-96e9-d53c0f0560d5", "crashdumps": [], "patches": [], "updates": [], "PBDs": [ "OpaqueRef:31530dbf-e1e2-49a8-9bf5-f08c17c96205", "OpaqueRef:6fb0d154-616c-4677-8046-4acce2c7ed79", "OpaqueRef:e1c4a4c0-7d2a-4e64-b150-0438006187cb", "OpaqueRef:ced26859-34f2-47cf-8dcc-04695f1c11ac", "OpaqueRef:7d8febbb-ef02-4cc4-812d-9d4a017a5854" ], "host_CPUs": [ "OpaqueRef:15f91497-9ba5-4583-9ab2-53714bb150ec", "OpaqueRef:fce4e763-b928-44b6-b1f4-1006d4c17f4c", "OpaqueRef:cd48fb2f-f82e-40a6-84f1-d1fdecca66cc", 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"OpaqueRef:ced26859-34f2-47cf-8dcc-04695f1c11ac" ], "virtual_allocation": 75161927680, "physical_utilisation": 75329699840, "physical_size": 979634225152, "type": "lvm", "content_type": "user", "shared": false, "other_config": { "i18n-original-value-name_label": "Local storage", "i18n-key": "local-storage" }, "tags": [], "sm_config": { "allocation": "thick", "use_vhd": "true", "devserial": "scsi-1ATA_InIand_SATA_SSD_IBYTMC211100100101" }, "blobs": {}, "local_cache_enabled": false, "introduced_by": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "clustered": false, "is_tools_sr": false }, "message": "IMPORT_ERROR(INTERNAL_ERROR: [ (Failure Int64.of_string) ])", "name": "XapiError", "stack": "XapiError: IMPORT_ERROR(INTERNAL_ERROR: [ (Failure Int64.of_string) ]) at Function.wrap (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/node_modules/xen-api/src/_XapiError.js:16:12) at _default (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/node_modules/xen-api/src/_getTaskResult.js:11:29) at Xapi._addRecordToCache (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/node_modules/xen-api/src/index.js:898:24) at forEach (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/node_modules/xen-api/src/index.js:932:14) at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Xapi._processEvents (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/node_modules/xen-api/src/index.js:922:12) at Xapi._watchEvents (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/node_modules/xen-api/src/index.js:1087:14)" }