After installing updates: 0 bytes free, Control domain memory = 0B
How about xensource.log? Anything interesting there?
@Danp Thank you for your reply
Xensource.log : -
Have you tried performing a
force reboot
(found on the host's Advanced tab in XO) on the host? -
@Danp I have now done a
The host still reports :
All my servers running 8.3 have this problem. But the one server still running 8.2 does not (the one on top of the list):
When I click the orange triangles, all 8.3 servers say:
The XCP-ng-005 server - which i have rebooted - says:
XCP-ng-002 (the 8.2 server) says:
I have not dared rebooting all servers out of fear that they will not be able to load up VMs afterwars; The VMs on hosts that I have not rebooted work fine.
Trying to start up VMs on XCP-ng-005 - the host that I have rebooted - results in the following error:
@Danp Regarding "No XCP-ng Pro Support enabled on this host" displayed on the seven 8.3-servers:
Can you see any of the latest updates to 8.3 introducing this error?yum history report: 8.3 servers have the same BIOS settings, hardware, etc as they had pre-updates.
In vain hopes I have tried to reset virtualization support in BIOS on the botherboard of XCP-ng-005. But no change.
A few comments (in no particular order) --
8.3 is still a beta product and it isn't recommended for production environments
There have been a few reports that the jump in Xen from 4.13 to Xen 4.17 has caused similar issues. My understanding is that they were resolved by rebooting the hosts, which is why I suggested the forced reboot.
With as many servers as you are running, you should consider adding our Pro Support so that you have a dedicated team to assist you with these types of issues
Reboot to apply updates
alert indicates that these servers haven't been rebooted (or maybe something interfered with the reboot occurring). -
You may want to fully shutdown these hosts and then check to see if these alerts are gone once they are back up.
No XCP-ng Pro Support enabled on this host
alert is expected when you are running XO from sources or XOA Free.
Thank you for your replies. I deeply appreciate your support!I have clearly not read the documentation good enough, not having caught that 8.3 is not released for production yet. Mea culpa!
Pro support:
I am not earning enough money on these servers to carry the full 8.000 USD extra cost per year. I have sent an e-mail to Vates previously and again today asking if they will give me a discount to help me get this business up and running. If I can get this afloat then I hope to bring much more income to both vates and my employer.Being an old IT-consultant I believe in paying for products and support. I do want to support Vates in its development of XCP-ng.
Being the only one among my colleagues working with this, having spent many evenings and nights on this project, I have longed for Pro Support. But my employer is not a wealthy company. Wanting to spread the risk on several servers instead of gathering all VMs (eggs) on one server (one basket) we will have to pay a lot more with Vates' pricing structure of 1000USD per server. We can not - so far - carry the cost of large proper servers with vast amounts of RAM to host many VMs on which would reduce the Vates cost.
If i lose money then my employer will terminate the project.If I can pay to have someone connect to the host to fix the problem then I will gladly do so.
Reboot to apply updates: I understood as much. I restarted only one server first, and when that failed to load VMs I did not dare to restart the remaining ones. The VMs on those work fine, for now.
I have shut down XCP-ng-005 completely. All the way until only the on/off switch could start it up again.
To get the VMs running again:
Is it "trivial" to downgrade a 8.3 host to 8.2 without ruining the VMs?
Or will I have to export VMs from a 8.3 server to a 8.2?
(Is a VM image backwards compatible?)I fear doing this since I've had lots of problems moving VMs between hosts using XO. It has worked "50% of the time". Can you recommend a "howto" with commands I can type to copy the VMs more reliably to USB media, and import them in to a 8.2 host?
I am now cobbling together a new server from old parts, that I hope will be able to host the VMs temporarily until I can install 8.2 on the old one and move the VMs back.
You might want to check out the Essential or Essential+ options at This would allow you get obtain support for up to 3 hosts.
You can export the VMs running on 8.3 and then import them to a host running 8.2
Maybe @stormi will have some ideas on how to recover your 8.3 hosts
@Danp Thank you for your advice.
If I only purchase support for 3 servers; How will XO behave with all 8? You do not have to reply; I will try contacting sales on monday.
I will look closer at @stormi's articles
Now I remember why I landed on 8,3 instead of 8.2 : Black screen during initial installation routine after "xcp-ng xen is relinquishing vga console" :
This post describes the problem precisely: the super simple and cheap fanless gforce 710 GPU is not supported in 8.2 (but it works fine with 8.3).
I've failed finding 8.2 ISO with drivers for PCs included. Promising links have turned up dead. Efforts to make own build failed and cost me a lot of time.
Is there a guide - that actually works - on how one can include a standard gforce driver for linux on the USB installation drive for XCP-ng?
Or: Is it possible to use serial interface, SSH or something to complete installation?
Or is it easiest to just install 8.3 and not install any updates until the problem has been fixed?
I see this issue has been discussed - and fixed - previously:
@Dataslak Are you booting the newest 8.2.1 IOS?
@Dataslak XO won't treat them any differently. You will simply have a support contract that covers three of your hosts. They would need to be segmented into their own pool (simply for support reasons), but your other servers will still be manageable from XOA.
Have you tried the new 8.2 ISO that was released back in December? I thought that it now included the i915 driver. -
@Andrew I started looking at, which led me to standard release 8.2.1.
@Danp I have now downloaded and tried installing with your link. And this installation image worked
Thank you so much!
I guess there are good reasons for not listing this on the download page ( ?
Had it been available then perhaps I and others would have tried it earlier, avoided 8.3, and perhaps also avoided the big mess I'm in right now?
I will now try to migrate VMs.
@Dataslak said in After installing updates: 0 bytes free, Control domain memory = 0B:
I guess there are good reasons for not listing this on the download page ( ?
I had the same question. Perhaps it is because 8.2 is a LTS release and they didn't want to switch to the newer ISO by default. It's also possible that someone simply forgot to update the link.
@olivierlambert will know for sure.
Had it been available then perhaps I and others would have tried it earlier, avoided 8.3, and perhaps also avoided the big mess I'm in right now?
Not sure that is true in your case since it sounds like you've been on 8.3 for > 6 months and the new ISO has been out for less time than that.
I will now try to migrate VMs.
I don't think that you can live migrate from 8.3 to 8.2, so you will need to export to XVA format and then import to the 8.2 host.
I'm not sure to understand. The link on is pointing to (which is the latest ISO). What am I missing?
@olivierlambert The link at the top of leads to
Ah so in the doc itself, understood, fixing it now!
edit: that's the old doc, cf
I will be sure to redirect the old one to the new one.
@Danp where did you find the link originally?
Just out of curiosity, if you ssh to the host and execute "xentop" what does it tell you?
I mean it makes no sense that its actually using all the memory, so the question is if XAPI thinks so, OS or XEN. -
@Danp I mean, originally, the link where you found it, outside the doc itself? I have redirect almost all old docs link to the new one.