backups started failing: Error: VDI must be free or attached to exactly one VM
@florent Hi,
Reverted to previous VM and deleted the new one..... Can't check.
BUT I checked the dashboard health before and there was nothing wrong. -
Hi Guys, Just chimeing in that I am seeing the same problem
Oh.. Just a side note here: I went into the backup history and "restarted" the backups on the failed VM's and both VM's backed up successfully. Huh...
@Anonabhar because this is an immediate error for something thta was under the radarn and was (mostly ) recovering by itself
But when it fails, it's not great ( no VDI coalesce for moth to work with) .
We'll try to find a good equilibrium point between enuring backup are running correctly and detecting problems early by the end of the month
@Anonabhar I did restart the failed backups and they always errored out again....
@florent Just installed latest build. Same errors.
Dashboard/Health no errors.Reverting.....
@florent I just upgraded to latest build as a test again. As no new news here I'm hoping that one update will fix this.
Anyway tested a backup and got the error again:2 out of 10 VM's
But I found another clue, when trying to delete the backups I see that on those failed VM's I get TWO backups in the list, instead of just one I've started!!!
Again: Xen Orchestra, commit 31461 Master, commit 16ae1 is last working build.
@florent @manilx @olivierlambert I have these failures too. I find the VDI attached to the control domain as a leftover from Continuous Replication. If I remove the dead VDI then backups work again. The problem is on going as I do CR every hour and sometimes it leaves one or more (random) dead VDI attached to the Control Domain.
I'm waiting for florent to push a XO CR fix before I update to the latest XO. But I don't expect the problem to be resolved in the latest XO update.
@Andrew Only doing Delya backups here and no dead VDI left attached...
Something seriously broke.....
@manilx They get stuck for me on Delta Backups too (not just CR).
Sometimes I have to do a Restart Toolstack to free it.
Check for running tasks that are stuck. Or try a Restart Toolstack on the master (it normally does not hurt anything to do that just to try it).
We added 2 fixes in latest commit on master, please restart your XAPI (to clear all tasks), and try again with your updated XO
@olivierlambert Updated and still backups are broken:
Rolling back
Can you try without any previous snapshot?
@olivierlambert I reverted to previous version and backups OK.
Then I updated again, deleted all snapshots (had to wait a while for garbage collection) and run fresh backups:1st full: backup progress bars not updating, staying at 0% (I can only check progress by seeing data written to the NAS). Backup finished OK using NBD.
next delta: also run OK, without progress and all VM's showed ' cleanVm: incorrect backup size in metadata'
So, some progress
progress bars are really missing now
Speed still saturating the 2,5G management interface, so good.
@olivierlambert P.S. After delta backup I have all VM's with 'Unhealthy VDIs' waiting to coalesce but no Garbarge Collection job running.....
cat /var/log/SMlog | grep -i coalesce
on host gives:Jun 27 18:48:03 vp6670 SM: [1043898] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/c892688d-10b6-4ddd-938c-fb4f2bc3eb77.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/6f6389a1-9387-4fdd-8d4c-97cb1cf459bc.cbtlog'] Jun 27 18:48:08 vp6670 SM: [1044409] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/af7a9b25-b1a4-40c0-9d48-21e1f0a9e4b4.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/35b88709-1e17-4bde-8799-0c8b4c879868.cbtlog'] Jun 27 18:48:22 vp6670 SM: [1045338] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/0fea5975-e83a-4c30-89ea-c38b8c8ccb23.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/8893a898-2c21-4325-a7ee-882b3e5b9223.cbtlog'] Jun 27 18:48:25 vp6670 SM: [1045614] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/99ff967e-fbd3-4b86-a76a-37879a08ef56.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/fcbee773-7147-4f80-9eca-48383c73fd81.cbtlog'] Jun 27 18:48:29 vp6670 SM: [1046130] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/3b268ed5-7856-4948-bd27-bcc71b33ce66.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/19d60fac-c805-4c6c-8f02-819dd68a4407.cbtlog'] Jun 27 18:48:34 vp6670 SM: [1046641] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/b83b7e8f-aede-4a37-92f1-4c867af6e39b.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/fdfa17b2-c47d-4b0b-93c3-df78653fbb8f.cbtlog'] Jun 27 18:48:39 vp6670 SM: [1047270] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/b49458fc-3047-417e-b9db-8d188e74105e.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/77a7f093-11a1-4e6c-a502-e8aa07f1fa88.cbtlog'] Jun 27 18:48:41 vp6670 SM: [1047416] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/49911f5d-5da5-48d7-a099-2ad83d2004d5.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/95395cf6-f234-43a6-a9ad-87a09fb2fa3e.cbtlog']
@olivierlambert After 15min still nothing. No coalesce. Even after rescanning storage.
So still something broken.
Will revert as I need backups working reliably.......
@olivierlambert I had to reboot hosts to remove the Unhealthy VDIs.
@olivierlambert Each time I tried the new version(s) and I had trouble with coalesce stopping to work I have to reboot the hosts to get things going.
And I find the following in the log:
Jun 27 21:02:32 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 17.851G Jun 27 21:02:32 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *0ebaa4f7(20.000G/64.168M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:02:50 vp6670 SM: [11873] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/0cc54304-4961-482f-a1b7-a8222dd143a1.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/fe11c7f1-7331-427e-8fa9-76412a2cbb75.cbtlog'] Jun 27 21:03:04 vp6670 SM: [12713] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/72c283d5-0be8-47e5-8af0-27b9590a1477.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/d6cf5333-99e7-46c4-b4cd-9776a2dada07.cbtlog'] Jun 27 21:03:05 vp6670 SM: [12817] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/68087dfa-d1fb-4d15-a05d-0a7aa59d2407.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/17f1ded2-f87e-40c9-97ea-ae89c77cc874.cbtlog'] Jun 27 21:03:14 vp6670 SM: [13471] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/8b373c2b-3e22-4c8f-ab17-26a1987237bd.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/6fa052a8-3fe9-471b-887d-c40bd0436c8c.cbtlog'] Jun 27 21:03:43 vp6670 SM: [14859] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/77c79ae4-884d-40fb-9117-c04bc81d5a84.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/8b9823c4-92cb-4f5f-b073-79adb1277fc1.cbtlog'] Jun 27 21:03:47 vp6670 SM: [15197] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/1a7f411a-6022-4974-8779-92d923d07239.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/9c884a73-b733-479a-bb6d-d6a9e6a7677f.cbtlog'] Jun 27 21:03:55 vp6670 SM: [16078] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/d35a1c18-3547-4b51-b6ef-eb777e233abb.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/15c18cad-fec8-4cd1-83fe-309eff8c200c.cbtlog'] Jun 27 21:04:10 vp6670 SM: [16485] ['/usr/sbin/cbt-util', 'coalesce', '-p', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/81766141-b82a-4f0a-ad47-cd41e0c93104.cbtlog', '-c', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/0e8bea1f-27d6-4f21-88d4-1f6eaf64b545.cbtlog']
When there are entries with .cbtlog coalesce stops. These are created by the new NBD/CBT backups and somehow are left over....
After a reboot all works when these disappear.
Jun 27 21:07:32 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 17.851G Jun 27 21:07:32 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *0ebaa4f7(20.000G/64.168M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:32 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 17.851G Jun 27 21:07:32 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *0ebaa4f7(20.000G/64.168M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:32 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Running VHD coalesce on *0ebaa4f7(20.000G/64.168M?) Jun 27 21:07:32 vp6670 SM: [18989] ['/usr/bin/vhd-util', 'coalesce', '--debug', '-n', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/0ebaa4f7-6920-47e3-9104-00e6486b38ef.vhd'] Jun 27 21:07:35 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 49.855G Jun 27 21:07:35 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *2df0321f(60.000G/342.790M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:35 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 49.855G Jun 27 21:07:35 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *2df0321f(60.000G/342.790M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:35 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Running VHD coalesce on *2df0321f(60.000G/342.790M?) Jun 27 21:07:35 vp6670 SM: [19134] ['/usr/bin/vhd-util', 'coalesce', '--debug', '-n', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/2df0321f-8f62-4860-8a44-5c62469be1aa.vhd'] Jun 27 21:07:37 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 42.258G Jun 27 21:07:37 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *8f1395d8(64.002G/1.783G?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:37 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 42.258G Jun 27 21:07:37 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *8f1395d8(64.002G/1.783G?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:37 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Running VHD coalesce on *8f1395d8(64.002G/1.783G?) Jun 27 21:07:37 vp6670 SM: [19266] ['/usr/bin/vhd-util', 'coalesce', '--debug', '-n', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/8f1395d8-462f-47f0-8a89-57e5ff0ce204.vhd'] Jun 27 21:07:42 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 6.096G Jun 27 21:07:42 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *17aeb054(16.002G/96.223M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:42 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 6.096G Jun 27 21:07:42 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *17aeb054(16.002G/96.223M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:42 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Running VHD coalesce on *17aeb054(16.002G/96.223M?) Jun 27 21:07:42 vp6670 SM: [19415] ['/usr/bin/vhd-util', 'coalesce', '--debug', '-n', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/17aeb054-f057-4085-af7a-36f80df95106.vhd'] Jun 27 21:07:44 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 15.470G Jun 27 21:07:44 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *6f447181(24.002G/306.649M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:44 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 15.470G Jun 27 21:07:44 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *6f447181(24.002G/306.649M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:44 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Running VHD coalesce on *6f447181(24.002G/306.649M?) Jun 27 21:07:44 vp6670 SM: [19557] ['/usr/bin/vhd-util', 'coalesce', '--debug', '-n', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/6f447181-5a1f-4f71-83f3-dd50eb991110.vhd'] Jun 27 21:07:47 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 16.307G Jun 27 21:07:47 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *9f9907bc(20.000G/867.735M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:47 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 16.307G Jun 27 21:07:47 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *9f9907bc(20.000G/867.735M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:47 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Running VHD coalesce on *9f9907bc(20.000G/867.735M?) Jun 27 21:07:47 vp6670 SM: [19690] ['/usr/bin/vhd-util', 'coalesce', '--debug', '-n', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/9f9907bc-665b-4f5d-a191-17420bc7762a.vhd'] Jun 27 21:07:49 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 28.939G Jun 27 21:07:49 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *34823537(48.002G/661.387M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:49 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 28.939G Jun 27 21:07:49 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *34823537(48.002G/661.387M?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:49 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Running VHD coalesce on *34823537(48.002G/661.387M?) Jun 27 21:07:49 vp6670 SM: [19830] ['/usr/bin/vhd-util', 'coalesce', '--debug', '-n', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/34823537-857f-440a-b700-00d6381e43cd.vhd'] Jun 27 21:07:52 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 37.160G Jun 27 21:07:52 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *9383cd6b(64.002G/1.401G?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:52 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesced size = 37.160G Jun 27 21:07:52 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Coalesce candidate: *9383cd6b(64.002G/1.401G?) (tree height 3) Jun 27 21:07:52 vp6670 SMGC: [10573] Running VHD coalesce on *9383cd6b(64.002G/1.401G?) Jun 27 21:07:52 vp6670 SM: [19959] ['/usr/bin/vhd-util', 'coalesce', '--debug', '-n', '/var/run/sr-mount/ea3c92b7-0e82-5726-502b-482b40a8b097/9383cd6b-b631-46ff-bd75-f80ac92d143c.vhd']
Exactly same issues here, we rolled back to 7882d.
We'll centralize CBT feedback in here: