The server (Lenovo System x3650 M5) has started and all 4 VMs are started and functional

Best posts made by Gheppy
RE: XCP-ng 8.2 updates announcements and testing
RE: ova export not functional
Windows 22h2 ova is exported fine. The import goes to the end only if:
- it is not set to EFI boot by default
- the type of Operating System is on Other and the version is Other/Unknown
- video is under 16Mb
Linux ova export is fine. The import goes to the end with the same missconfiguration.
After the settings are done everything works fine.
Size of ova
RE: Continuous Replication on a large VM
I have windows 2008R2 with SQL 2008R2 and a database of 4.3Tb, I use CR successfully (for 2+ years now), I do the transfer on a LAN link in http mode.For a transfer on a 1G LAN, you will have a transfer time of 60-72 hours. You must set in XCP-ng the time to kill the task for 72 hours minimum, in /etc/xapi.conf line 306 set: pending_task_timeout = 259200 # 3 days in seconds.
For a transfer on a 10Gb LAN you will have a transfer of 7-14 hours.
I don't use snapshot with memory but the recovery was ok, I had an event. -
Full backup interval with current step
Can you put an extra message at the Full backup interval, which will display what step it is until the next Full backup.
For example, as in the photo below, the first is the current one and the second is the desired one.original one
with the desired modification
Thank you
RE: XOA: backup Active Directory vm
AD has a maximum period of difference between Domain Controller's and as far as I know it is 24h.
If you don't do this, the oldest one will be out of sync and useless. -
RE: Backup VM with hardware passthrough
Update to 8.3 with boot CD, all is ok and backup is done with success.
Thank you -
RE: ISO Importing Results in .img Files
The problem is the same with all form of ISO SR: local, cifs (smb), nfs. On all I have *.img
RE: ISO Importing Results in .img Files
I can confirm that the file *.iso importing is converted to *.img
File on share is
File on XOCE, commit 3baa37846e6dbe775a8891f51f7eaebbbb28bea6
RE: XO Lite: building an embedded UI in XCP-ng
To be a good alternative to XCP-NG Center you have to do at least what XCP-NG Center does.
E.g:- I haven't found in XOCE, so far, how to rearrange the VHDs of a VM, the only method, which I found , is to reattach them in the order I want,
- To be able to snopshoot,
- To be able to import and export,
- To be able to migrate a VM, implicitly to be able to add another host on which to migrate the VM. This is good when the current host has a problem,
- To group VMs by hosts, sometimes it is more useful to see which VMs are affected if you restart a host, XOCE displays them all but you cannot group/subgroup them on hosts that they are running on,
- It can be restarted even if it is the only host, XOCE only wants it if the VMs are all turned off.
In essence, XCP-NG Center does almost everything XOCE does, but manually. Which is OK when you have a breakdown.
Don't get me wrong I use XOCE the most and I understand its importance but sometimes a XCP-NG Center is good to have, especially a local one on the host.
Latest posts made by Gheppy
No more options for export
I have a problem after commit 6e508b0.
I can no longer select the export method.
With 6e508b0, all are okCommit a386680
Commit 6e508b0
RE: VUSBs options for backup/snapshot
At a certain point, I don't know when because we are talking about a home lab here.
I could attach the USB HDD same as a virtual HDD and I could put exclusions on it -
RE: VUSBs options for backup/snapshot
More detailed:
At the moment I have this:
A VM with TrueNAS that has:- sda 100Gb, the operating system
- sdb 2Tb, the first hdd to use in TrueNAS
- sdc 2Tb USB, clone of sdb 2Tb made in TrueNAS
I want to backup the TrueNAS system, which means only sda
I excluded sdb via [NOBAK] [NOSNAP]
But I can no longer exclude sdc via [NOBAK] [NOSNAP] -
VUSBs options for backup/snapshot
Is there a possibility to implement the same options as for disks, for VUSB to?
I mean the option to use [NOBAK] [NOSNAP].
Before the update, I saw the USB-HDD as a normal disk that I could attach to VM and use the [NOBAK] option to excluded it from the backup.
I have XCP-ng 8.3 is installed on the server. -
RE: XO cant Snapshot itself ?
This is what I was thinking
- [NOSNAP] to be like SDA and disk 3
- [NOBAK] to be with SDA and disk 2
- In both cases disk 4 is excluded
RE: XO cant Snapshot itself ?
From my point of view, it should be with "OR" and if the condition is fulfilled to execute.
E.g :- if I have "[NOSNAP] 'VM name' " not to execute snapshoot
- if I have "[NOBAK] 'Vm name' " not to execute backup
- if I have "[NOSNAP] [NOBAK] 'Vm name' " not to execute snapshot and backup
But if you make a backup, remove only what is with [NOBAK]
RE: XOA: backup Active Directory vm
It's not really necessary.
As I said, I have 3 x DC and I restored them in the test lab and they were ok.
All three were backed up at the same time with a single normal backup task.
Below is the task I was talking about.
RE: XOA: backup Active Directory vm
AD has a maximum period of difference between Domain Controller's and as far as I know it is 24h.
If you don't do this, the oldest one will be out of sync and useless. -
RE: XOA: backup Active Directory vm
I have something like this and I have no problems so far.
The only thing is to do them all on the same day.
I have a task that backs up all three VMs at once.
And the restoration is done the same way, all from the same day.