@payback007 said in vm start delay - does it work yet?:
unfortunately "start delay" is not working as expected. The function what you marked above is to change the start delay of an existing "vApp". Here is an example of my setup:

The value whould change the "Delay interval" later by XOA, nothing else. Otherwise is vApp feature also not working on my XCP-ng installation, I think it was never really tested.
If you want to implement start delays to your VM's you can follow this guide:
- define vApp for autostart in xcp-ng center including start order
- find out the uuid of the vApp:
xe appliance-list
- write autostart script containing
xe appliance-start uuid=uuid-autostart-vApp
- implement new systemd.service in /etc/systemd/system/autostart.service
Description=autostart script for boot VM
- enable the service
systemctl enable autostart.service
Editing of boot delay time is then possible via XOA which is already a nice feature at all for "fine tuning" or adapt if new VMs are added to the autostart vApp.
@olivierlambert whould it make sense to open an additional feature request? vApp-implementation was several times discussed with no "final statement" I think.
When I have a pool without HA, how could I use this script?
I thought about setting the script on the master server. However, in a maintenance, where a second node becomes the master, will I have to recreate the script?