@jshiells i believe this is by design for a mirror backup. it checks every vm to mirror (if no filter is selected that will be all on the SR), if there is no new recovery point it will not copy anything as it allready does have the latest version of that backup on the destination recovery point. When a filter is selected it checks every vm on the sr but it does not copy data.
RE: maybe a bug when restarting mirroring delta backups that have failed
RE: Migration over NAS and slow connection.
@Bzyk47 you would need a second host to do live migration/import. What u can do if u can affort any downtime is export your vms to ova of vmdk and rhe install xcp-ng on your vmware host and the import the vms. Its not possible to upgrade vmware to xcp-ng with the vms on it.
RE: Migration over NAS and slow connection.
@Bzyk47 This is relative easy, you install XCP-ng on your office host, install Xen Orchestra, migrate your vms. On your home location you can do 2 things.
- create a remote nfs share where Xen Ochetra can do vm backups to.
- Create a local XCP-ng installation where you replicate the vms to.
Both is fairly easy to deal with from within the standard settings in Xen Orchestra. The amount of data changed a day is only important for the slow connection in between for replication. i use 500mbit connections for this and that works pretty fast.
If u need anything else or need assistance with the setup just let me know!
RE: CBT: the thread to centralize your feedback
@Andrw0830 yeah shure, from dashboard u have the health tab, there u find vdi attached to control domain, we gave random vdi’s that stay attached. Although it seems to be random so we are investigating if this is an infeastructure thing or a bug. In xapi. We did not face this on 8.2.
We do not have issues with cbt after creating and then removing snapshots.
RE: CBT: the thread to centralize your feedback
@Andrw0830 so just to confirm, you also have random vdi’s that stay connected to control domain?
The issue with the migration network is a known onee i understand from vates and is currently being worked on.
RE: CBT: the thread to centralize your feedback
Hi All,
are there other users running 8.3 combined with CBT backups? we keep running into vdi's that stay connected to the control domain, we are investigating these with Vates as it looks like the problem is within xapi of tapdisk it would be helpfull to understand if there are others running into the same issue.
As far as i understand from vates it looks like the problem we face is somewhere within Xapi but we need more logging to understand it better. If anyone has this running with the same issues or without please let us know so we can compare.
RE: Start backup for one single vm
@MathieuRA thx, i will test this, would it be doable to create a button on the backup tab of a vm in xoa to initiate the backup for that specific vm? Couldn’t be that difficult
RE: Migrating a Client to XCP-ng – Stability of the Community Edition?
@Cygace as far as i know xcp-ng in general is open-source and works the same as the paid version. The paid version does only apply to support and maintenance based on the Xen Orchestra Appliance XOA which is a paid product. However you can run XOA from sources with the same functionality as the paid version. The only thing u will miss is the support from the Vates Team, i believe in a production environment it's always preferable to run paid support but for testing purpose i see no reason why not to start with the unpaid versions.
RE: Start backup for one single vm
@olivierlambert in a failed job the button is allready there so i shouldn't be that difficult to show it somewhere else or on a finished job. That last one is not so difficult i guess and is fine for me.
Start backup for one single vm
Hi All,
When a backup job is failed u can restart the backup for one specific vm in that job, currently this button is missing in a job that went succesfully, in some cases it could be very usefull if u can rerun the backup only for that specific vm and not for the whole job. in case u need an extra backup for the vm or in my case when the cbt of that vm is corrupted and needs to rerun to get it fixed. Is there any way to force run the backup for the one vm instead of the whole job? maybe an api call?
Cheers Robin
Issue with vm snapshot
I can’t create a vm snapshot on a vm after a vdi disable cbt.
I get this error
SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_82(, Failed to snapshot VDI [opterr=['MAP_DUPLICATE_KEY', 'VDI', 'sm_config', 'OpaqueRef:1ef1345c-8b8a-4a4d-82d6-e27eee75fe7d', 'paused']], )
What can cause this issue?
RE: CBT: the thread to centralize your feedback
Goodmorning all! Hope the xen winter meetup has been great for the ones who joined!
We migrated to XCP-NG 8.3 this week from 8.2.1. On 8.2.1 we had everything working like a charm without issues with cbt anymore. On 8.3 however we seem to run into some frustrating things i can’t really put a finger on the root cause. So i think it’s important to share them with you all so we can see where it goes wrong and how we could fix them.
The first one is related to NBD/Xapi, what i found is that in some rare cases one of the vdi’s from a vm is stucked at the nbd host. I had 3 overnight after restarting the dedicated hosts but now i see new ones on different servers. We have set nbd limit to 1 connection but strange thing was in one case i was able to see there where 4 nbd connections or 4 vdi’s connected, not shure but 3 where disconnected 1 left. Could it be the software is sometimes not respecting the limit and then setting up multiple connections?
Second issue i found is that sometimes cbt is broken on a vm, in that case u can run a full over and over again but that will not work until you disable cbt and enable it again, forcing it someway to setup a new cbt chain. For some reason in the other cases it remains broken. Would it be an option to let the software handle this automatically? Be aware that i found some cases where disabling cbt on a running vm caused an error map_duplicate_key, this only happened when i disabled cbt manually on that vdi, when i did an online storage migration (what is doing the same if i am correct) it was working without this issue, not shure what is the difference but if the same error occurs when doing it automatically from the software u can cause your vm to be destroyed ;-).
Hope anyone can help me into the correct direction on this subjects! I will also open a ticket with support to investigate but would like to share my new experiences here, anyone seeing the same issues?
RE: XCP-ng 8.3 & AMD Firepro S7150x2
@ohajek i am affraid then it’s a lost case with this one
, @olivierlambert do you have any knowledge of this going to work on xcp?
RE: XCP-ng 8.3 & AMD Firepro S7150x2
@ohajek did u ever managed to get this to work? We upgraded from 8.2 where it worked to 8.3, the card is detected but when u start the vm u get virtual function not available
Netdata cloud
Hi All,
I am wondering if it is possible to have the netdata running on my hosts/xoa to log these to netdata cloud? Is there anyone with experience on this item?
RE: Compatibility Issue Migrating VMs from ESXi 8.03 to XCP-ng 8.3
@taghjichte not shure if i understand correctly but xoa is not intended to run on vmware, not shure if it does but u need to test, i think u can try connecting to your vmware endpoint by using xoa on you xcp side. Unstable will be a problem i guess, slow is just making it to take more time, however these two combined might be a problem, also it depens on how bug your vm is. U can give it a try off course. I think export it on vcenter to ova manual copy and import on xoa side will be more safe and reliable.
RE: Compatibility Issue Migrating VMs from ESXi 8.03 to XCP-ng 8.3
@taghjichte XOA stands for xen orchestra appliance (@olivierlambert correct me if i am wrong), this is different then xo lite. U can deploy a xoa instance from xo lite, it gives u a 30 days free trail version. Left u have the import function and choose for vm, there u are able to import an ova file.
Grafana Xen Orchestra
Hi All,
I try to run grafana queries against the XOA Api, i created a json api connection and add header Cookie with “authenticationToken={apikey}” the validation is succesfull. When running a query with get \vms againt the api i get 0 results. I am doing something wrong as a test with curl gives me a lot of results. Anyone been doing this before on XOA and Grafana? Maybe someone can put me in the right direction?
Cheers Robin
RE: Compatibility Issue Migrating VMs from ESXi 8.03 to XCP-ng 8.3
@taghjichte is there a reason why u do not use the buildin feature of xoa for migration? For us this worked on all our vms.