@CodeMercenary Can't help you there. The only thing I use(d) is the cli on the xcp hosts themselves.
or shutdown
RE: Why does emergencyShutdown take a lot longer than shutting down the host from the console?
RE: Why does emergencyShutdown take a lot longer than shutting down the host from the console?
@CodeMercenary If the host.stop command does the same as a "reboot" or "shutdown" on the host cli than it just shuts down the VM's (no power plug pull) and then reboots or shuts down.
Do this all the time after a yum update...
Would be nice if you could share your nut setup to the community
RE: backup restention
@olivierlambert Great. Posted here and didn't open ticket because this is interesting for all ...
backup restention
I have a doubt about backup retention:
I have a backup like this:
8 bi-hourly and one last on the day w/healthcheckBackup retention on those are keep 8 of the bihourly and 7 of the daily.
So this makes 9 per day, right?If I Mirror delta backup to a remote storage, what is the retention to keep 1 week, 1 month?
9x7=63 for a week?
9x30=270 for a month?I'm a bit confused.
RE: Moving VDIs - Am I doing it correctly
@buldamoosh You must delete snapshots before migrating VM or disk. This is normal. Just did the same 2 days ago.
A snapshot is not a backup so your question "still have a valid backup for all of my VMs while they are being migrated" is not an issue of having the snapshot or not. You just have to make a backup before migration, then you have a full backup if something goes wrong.
RE: Imported VM Starts but Does Not Initialize the Display
@kagbasi-ngc Don't do nesting! It's not to be trusted even when it seems to work.
RE: mirror backup: temporarily disabled
@manilx A reboot of XO fixed this. Nevertheless would be interesting to know, what the issue was.
mirror backup: temporarily disabled
I've created a mirror backup and have run it once, had a lock error on a VM error because another backup began running. But after that I repeated the failed VM and it finished.
But I now have:
This does stay and I can't run the backup anymore.
What's this?
RE: XCP-NG 9, Dom0 considerations
@flakpyro I REALLY REALLY hope the AMD EPYC issue is fixed way before that.......
RE: Duplicate Template In XCP-NG Host. Why?
@gduperrey @business XOA (latest). @home XO from sources (latest build)
RE: Duplicate Template In XCP-NG Host. Why?
@gduperrey In my case on my HomeLab and on our Business site the templates show more than once.
@business it shows each template for each pool, so 3 pool, 3 shown.
@home it shows 2 for the only pool (2 hosts).Rebooting hosts and/or XO does not fix this.
It's cosmetic so this doesn't worry me.
RE: Duplicate Template In XCP-NG Host. Why?
I have the same and XO only displays the templates available on the host.My guess would be that it displays the templates on each host, I have 2 in the pool so I get 2. @business I even have 3.
Reboot does not fix this.
RE: XO backup, is this mess made with intention?
@Prilly Man you need to calm down. Your post(s) with shit here shit there has bad "tone".
I don't think this will get a lot of help/attention from Vates.
And they are more than helpful, even without payed support.
RE: New GFS strategy
@florent Looking forward to the docs.
Just this one thing (Guess most would be interested):
On my example: keeping 7 daily backups, I presume it keeps the last backup from each day (as there are 2 schedules I presume it would keep the backup from 22:00)
RE: New GFS strategy
@olivierlambert @florent
This is what I have set now:
This is what I had before these new options:
New GFS strategy
Having read the new blog post on the new GFS stuff I have a question:
What about the backup retentions I have defined. I have kind of done a GFS sheme by using 3 backup schedules (in the same backup) hourly/daily/weekly with respective retention policies.
As I understand this is no longer necessary. Should I reduce the retention to 1?
This is not well explained I'm afraid.
RE: XO Lite can`t manage host
@Greg_E Having backup XO's has always been our policy here.
@business we have our min XOA on a (now dedicated Intel server doing the backups, because of the EPYC networking issues) and then a XO (from sources) on the main pool if XOA tanks or during reboots.
@home I hace one XO on each host.Has saved me time and time again.
RE: Epyc VM to VM networking slow
@john-c @olivierlambert Now we're talking!!!
Here are the results of a 2 VM Delta/NBD backup (initial one) using 2 10GB NICS in bond:
WHAT a difference, when we run XOA on an Intel host instead of an EPYC one, with backups.
I've told this from the beginning, that the slow backup speeds were due to the EPYC issue (as I got 200+ MB/s @home with measily Protectli's on 10G)
Looking on what the Synology gets: I get up to 500+ MB/s during the backup!
RE: backup deleting manual snapshots
@olivierlambert If the issue turns up again.... It was a weird one!
As I deleted the previous backup jobs I can't repeat. Just had to move on.Perhaps someone else stumbles upon this and finds this thread......
I will report if it happens again (will try it wit the new backup)