@olivierlambert So, as luck would have it, I left work early to get ahead of a snow storm. When I got home, I decided to spin up a Debian 12 VM and build XO from sources myself while the kids were doing homework (by following the instructions here - https://docs.xen-orchestra.com/installation#from-the-sources).
In a nutshell, I was able to replicate the problem. My test user account could only authenticate successfully AFTER I reduced its group membership in Active Directory to two. Out of curiosity, I incremented the group membership by one and then tested, and kept doing that until I arrived at a max of six. The minute I added the seventh group, authentication failed. This is happening on both this new instance of XOCE and the existing instance I have in production on my church's small network.
Both instances are up-to-date (git commit 8f877).
Here's the console output of the VM while running the tests:
2025-02-11T23:42:17.461Z xo:api WARN admin@admin.net | plugin.test(...) [34ms] =!> Error: could not authenticate user
2025-02-11T23:44:14.072Z xo:api WARN admin@admin.net | plugin.test(...) [14ms] =!> Error: could not authenticate user
2025-02-11T23:45:07.777Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap INFO successfully bound as CN=yAgbasi\, Kismet,OU=Privileged Users,OU=Users,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net => ykagbasi authenticated
2025-02-11T23:45:07.783Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap INFO syncing groups...
2025-02-11T23:45:07.898Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap INFO done syncing groups
So I tried the plugin's test-cli and this is the output. I'm curious as to why the objectGUID
value is mangled.
root@XO2:~/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-auth-ldap/dist# node test-cli.js
? URI ldap://x.x.x.x:389
? fill optional Certificate Authorities? No
? fill optional Check certificate? No
? fill optional Use StartTLS? No
? Base OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net
? fill optional Credentials? Yes
? Credentials > dn CN=xxXenOrchestra Service Account,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net
? Credentials > password SUPERSECRETPASSWORD
? fill optional User filter? Yes
? User filter (&(sAMAccountName={{name}})(memberOf=CN=IT_XenOrchestra_Admins,OU=Groups,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net))
? ID attribute sAMAccountName
? fill optional Synchronize groups? Yes
? Synchronize groups > Base OU=Groups,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net
? Synchronize groups > Filter (objectClass=group)
? Synchronize groups > ID attribute dn
? Synchronize groups > Display name attribute cn
? Synchronize groups > Members mapping > Group attribute member
? Synchronize groups > Members mapping > User attribute dn
configuration saved in ./ldap.cache.conf
? Username ykagbasi
? Password [hidden]
2025-02-12T00:06:49.730Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap DEBUG attempting to bind with as CN=xxXenOrchestra Service Account,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net...
2025-02-12T00:06:49.741Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap DEBUG successfully bound as CN=xxXenOrchestra Service Account,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net
2025-02-12T00:06:49.741Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap DEBUG searching for entries...
2025-02-12T00:06:49.746Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap DEBUG 1 entries found
2025-02-12T00:06:49.746Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap DEBUG attempting to bind as CN=yAgbasi\, Kismet,OU=Privileged Users,OU=Users,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net
2025-02-12T00:06:49.748Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap INFO successfully bound as CN=yAgbasi\, Kismet,OU=Privileged Users,OU=Users,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net => ykagbasi authenticated
2025-02-12T00:06:49.749Z xo:xo-server-auth-ldap DEBUG {
"dn": "CN=yAgbasi\\, Kismet,OU=Privileged Users,OU=Users,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net",
"objectClass": [
"cn": "yAgbasi, Kismet",
"sn": "yAgbasi",
"c": "US",
"l": "Severn",
"st": "MD",
"description": "For Testing Xen Orchestra LDAP Auth failures",
"postalCode": "21144",
"givenName": "Kismet",
"distinguishedName": "CN=yAgbasi\\, Kismet,OU=Privileged Users,OU=Users,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net",
"instanceType": "4",
"whenCreated": "20230716100123.0Z",
"whenChanged": "20250211234414.0Z",
"displayName": "Kismet yAgbasi",
"uSNCreated": "1222253",
"memberOf": "CN=IT_XenOrchestra_Admins,OU=Groups,OU=WGSDAC,DC=wgsdac,DC=net",
"uSNChanged": "6046408",
"co": "United States",
"department": "Communications Department",
"company": "Washington-Ghanaian SDA Church",
"name": "yAgbasi, Kismet",
"objectGUID": "mX�_���F�.�i�lq�",
"userAccountControl": "512",
"badPwdCount": "0",
"codePage": "0",
"countryCode": "840",
"badPasswordTime": "0",
"lastLogoff": "0",
"lastLogon": "0",
"pwdLastSet": "133837909104346381",
"primaryGroupID": "513",
"objectSid": "\u0001\u0005\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0005\u0015\u0000\u0000\u0000�A�\u0015�d�G�:��q\u0006\u0000\u0000",
"adminCount": "1",
"accountExpires": "9223372036854775807",
"logonCount": "0",
"sAMAccountName": "ykagbasi",
"sAMAccountType": "805306368",
"userPrincipalName": "ykagbasi@wgsdac.org",
"lockoutTime": "0",
"objectCategory": "CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=wgsdac,DC=net",
"dSCorePropagationData": [
"lastLogonTimestamp": "133837910540472258"