Try running the following command on your pool master for each VM that you are unable to start --
xe vm-reset-powerstate vm=vm_name -force
This will reset the power state so that you can start the VM on the remaining host.
Forum wide moderators
Try running the following command on your pool master for each VM that you are unable to start --
xe vm-reset-powerstate vm=vm_name -force
This will reset the power state so that you can start the VM on the remaining host.
IIRC, this will clear up by itself once the "extra" cpus are no longer present in the stats history.
Seems like it is missing the SR information during VDI creation. Does this also occur with other SR types, ie: local storage?
@Sugarat I'm not able to replicate here. Can you check under Settings > Logs
to see if there is an entry there with a detailed error log?
@Sugarat If you are running XO from sources, make sure you're completely up-to-date with the latest source. There was a fix released for this earlier this week.