Thanks !
Unlink fast-cloned VM from the parent.
I created some VMs using fast clone.
I also saw on forums, GitHub and documentation that It could impact on IO performance for the VM.
How could I "unlink" the VM from the template vm ?
Best regards,
RE: What should i expect from VM migration performance from Xen-ng ?
Thanks for your answer @nikade
I migrate both storage and vm.
I have 25Gb/s nic, but I have a 5Gb/s limitation at switch level.
But I found on another topic an explanation about this, this could be related to SMAPIv1.
Best regards
RE: What should i expect from VM migration performance from Xen-ng ?
So, does someone know why I can't go over 145MB/s and how to increase the vdi speed transfert ?
( I have 5Gb/s between nodes )
Thanks !
RE: VM migration is blocked during backup whereas no backup in progress
@Danp Okay, you're a genius, I upgrade this morning after my backup.
So that could explain my issue.
the mentioned thread is exactly my issue, but I didn't find it when I was searching about my issue.
Thanks for all !
RE: VM migration is blocked during backup whereas no backup in progress
@Danp i have 17 commits lates
I'm running ) ( 12 July )
If it's XO related, why in xcpng I also see the blocked operation ?
VM migration is blocked during backup whereas no backup in progress
I try to migrate a VM between two host but I got:
vm.migrate { "vm": "bca3bd58-8455-d07f-c2a9-ba45daeb6fb4", "sr": "b4313d56-d226-c453-cef7-d7180a3daab1", "targetHost": "e7e336d6-07b2-4c23-ac95-2a3f7bfa47ab" } { "code": "OPERATION_BLOCKED", "params": [ "OpaqueRef:f032a458-e996-441b-a352-7e76fdc8dfe7", "VM migration is blocked during backup" ], "task": { "uuid": "52474c0f-fcd1-21dd-1a02-5139e0a48289", "name_label": "Async.VM.migrate_send", "name_description": "", "allowed_operations": [], "current_operations": {}, "created": "20240719T12:16:13Z", "finished": "20240719T12:16:13Z", "status": "failure", "resident_on": "OpaqueRef:59f0a1ab-ffe4-4c2b-8465-72f32e9ef71b", "progress": 1, "type": "<none/>", "result": "", "error_info": [ "OPERATION_BLOCKED", "OpaqueRef:f032a458-e996-441b-a352-7e76fdc8dfe7", "VM migration is blocked during backup" ], "other_config": {}, "subtask_of": "OpaqueRef:NULL", "subtasks": [], "backtrace": "(((process xapi)(filename ocaml/xapi/ 731))((process xapi)(filename ocaml/xapi/ 1501))((process xapi)(filename lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/ 24))((process xapi)(filename ocaml/xapi/ 205))((process xapi)(filename ocaml/xapi/ 95)))" },
Indeed, in can see this from xe cli:
[14:15 cloud-01-rbx-002 ~]# xe vm-param-get uuid=bca3bd58-8455-d07f-c2a9-ba45daeb6fb4 param-name=blocked-operations migrate_send: VM migration is blocked during backup; pool_migrate: VM migration is blocked during backup
But ... I have no running operation
[14:19 cloud-01-rbx-002 ~]# xe task-list [14:19 cloud-01-rbx-002 ~]#
Do you have any idea ? ( I'm running
).Thanks !
Show the bandwith of VM/ Host in differents units
Could it be possible to allow show graphs in others units than MiB?
Units that could be printed:
- bit/s
- Bytes/s
however, I don't know where this should be configurable on XO
That's stupid, but i spend to much time to realize that was 2Gb/s ( I look the graph 5s and I say to myself, okay, I'm stuck at 200Mb/s, whereas .... ^^'
Best regards,