XCP-ng will invest 1M€ in innovation during the next 3 years thanks to the French government program "concours innovation" (innovation contest)

1M Euros for XCP-ng innovation
XCP-ng is now a Xen Project incubated solution
We are very proud to announce that XCP-ng is joining the Xen Project hosted by the Linux Foundation!
FOSDEM will take place this weekend, and this year, exceptionally, the event will be 100% online.
We are of course sad not to be able to share a beer with you directly on the spot, but it is also a very good opportunity for our non-European users to be able to exchange with us thanks to the chat that will be available during all the weekend (Mainly during the day in the CET timezone).Our booth will be available on this link: https://stands.fosdem.org/stands/xcp-ng/
Our official blogpost announcement: https://xcp-ng.org/blog/2021/02/04/fosdem-2021/
EDIT - last minute addition: we will also have the pleasure of having some folks of the Xen project present on our booth too to exchange with all of you! So if you have question on the Xen Project it's the perfect opportunity.
See you soon!
Xen Orchestra Lite
Xen Orchestra Lite is an ongoing project around XCP-ng and Xen Orchestra. it doesn't require you to host any virtual appliance and will allow you to do basic management of your host directly from the browser of your choice.
Pierre, the lead developer of the project wrote an extensive devblog on the project you can read here
This topic is dedicated to discussion ans questions around this project.
How we are handling COVID-19 crisis at Vates
Hello everyone,
As you (most certainly) all know, a lot of countries in the world are living in difficult times due to the pandemic of COVID-19.
We are sharing some news about how we are handling the situation here.
Stay safe!
RE: French government initiative to support
Well, this is an unexpected reaction... I didn't saw that coming for sure.
RE: Spread the XCP-ng love and vote for Open Awards 2019!
Good news, the vote are closed and the Public Center for Social Welfare's case study is first as we hoped!
https://a.cstmapp.com/voteme/31130/633291567Thank you everyone!
We need your feedback
As we mentioned in our last release, we are currently doing a small study about our users. This questionnaire, which will only take a few minutes, will allow us to build the future of our solutions more in line with your uses and needs.
If you didn't done it yet, now it's the time as the questionnaire will only be available for a few more days.
Xen Design Summit & Pass the Salt Conference
In the next few months Vates and XCP-ng team will attend (and sponsor) two different event
Pass the salt - virtual conference is a French conference event about cyber security. It's free to attend for everyone and this year, Olivier will be one of the speaker on the following topic: Tackling security issues in virtualization
Xen Developer & Design Summit is the yearly reunion of all the people involved in the Xen Project. Since we launched XCP-ng we are sponsoring this event and our developer teams are attending it. We will keep you in touch about the overall orientation of the Xen Project after this event.
Device Emulation in the Xen Hypervisor for HVM Guests
Bobby, our new team member in the XCP-ng team explored the device emulation in Xen Hypervisor and wrote a Devblog about that topic and how we leveraged the device emulation hypercall interface of the Xen hypervisor in our implementation of UEFI Secure Boot for HVM guests.
XCP-ng and Linbit alliance
LINBIT and XCP-ng are partnering to bring DRBD compatibility to XCP-ng in 2020.
Almost the entire XCP-ng team will be at FOSDEM this year. You will have the opportunity to meet us on a booth we share with Xen Project team!
[DEPRECATED] SMAPIv3 - Feedback & Bug reports
THIS THREAD IS REPLACED BY THIS ONE: https://xcp-ng.org/forum/topic/8859/first-smapiv3-driver-is-available-in-preview
As you may already know, @ronan-a is working on the next storage interface protocol known as SMAPIv3 since a bit of time now.
More information are available on our latest devblog
It's now possible for you to install this experimental plugin and provide your feedback on this thread.
Warning: don't use SMAPIv3 in production yet!
Use these commands to install the package:
yum install xcp-ng-xapi-storage --enablerepo=xcp-ng-testing systemctl start qemuback.service
You might also need to restart the toolstack:
# xe-toolstack-restart
For issues, please read this page: https://github.com/xcp-ng/xcp-ng-xapi-storage#issues-and-solutions
Use this topic for feedback and bug report.
RE: Creating support tickets no longer works
@s-pam Yes indeed, this link is currently broken because of the new support platform. Thanks for the feedback, our team will fix it as soon as possible.
We want to involve the users community very early in the design of XO6 and have begun designing an initial questionnaire to submit to you to identify your expectations and current issues - We will later set up a tester program to continue to exchange throughout the process with users who are interested.
It's a bit early to share more details, but stay tuned on the December release for XO, we have things in the pipe.
RE: Backup NG
@mrchip Backup NG is now the standard backup section. We made a rework on all backup features a while ago and we kept legacy backup and backup New Generation (NG) during the transition period.
So, on old video you can have both, but the thing you see about backup NG should be valid for the current "backup" section of your appliance.
RE: Xen Orchestra Lite
@modir We don't have yet a features matrix for XO Lite specifically, but thanks for the suggestion, we will work on something like this.
RE: XO Lite: building an embedded UI in XCP-ng
@biggen What do you mean ala ESXI? For all advanced management purpose in VMware you need Vcenter, not even talking about the backup for which you need Veeam (or similar) in addition to Vcenter. Am I missing something in ESXI?
They talk about us
A fresh article in which Olivier's says a bit more about the vision we have for Xen Orchestra and XCP-ng
Meet Vates during Vivatech 2019
This year, we will have the opportunity to exhibit our solution during the Viva Technology event in Paris (One of the biggest tech event in the world)!
More information are available on this blogpost
If you plan to visit us, let us know here!