@Greg_E said in What should i expect from VM migration performance from Xen-ng ?:
I've spent a bunch of time trying to find some dark magic to making the VDI migration faster, so far nothing. My VM (memory) migration is fast enough that I'm not concerned right now. and don't have any testing to show for it.
Currently migrating the test VDI from storage1 to storage2 (again) and getting an average of 400/400mbps (lower case m and b). If I do three VDI at once, I can get over a gigbit and sometimes close to 2 gigabit.
It's either SMAPIv1 or it is a file "block" size issue, bigger blocks can get me benchmarks up to 600MBps to almost 700MBps (capital M and B) on my slow storage over a 10gbps network. Testing this with XCP-NG 8.3 release to see if anything changed from the Beta, so far all is the same. Also all testing done with thin provisioned file shares (SMB and NFS). If I could get half my maximum tests for the VDI migration, I'd be happy. In fact I'm extremely pleased that my storage can go as fast as it is showing, it's all old stuff on SATA.
I have a whole thread on this testing if you want to read more.

You can see the migrate which was 400/400 and then the benchmark across the ethernet interface of my Truenas, this example was migrate from SMB to NFS, and benchmark on the NFS. Settings for that NFS are in the thread mentioned and certainly my fastest non-real world performance to date.
That's impressive!
We're not seeing as high speeds are you are, we have 3 different storages, mostly doing NFS tho. We're still running 8.2.0 but I dont really think it matters as the issue is most likely tied to the SMAPIv1.
We also noted that it goes a bit faster when doing 3-4 VDI's in parallell, but the individual speed per migration is about the same.