Hello, I had freezes of the console, which do not appear any more, I do not know any more exactly what I did on my W11 pro 24H2 new on XCP 8.3 on XOA, I tried at best to :
Disable the VM screen shutdown
Disable standby
Set to maximum performance
The screen is still “active” and not black
But I have another problem, probably related to microsoft, the vm freezes again but completely, inacessible in rdp, console, mouse keyboard, CPU and MEMORY statistics graphs freeze on XOA, restarting the VM by force is mandatory
24H2 has a lot of problems, notably the RDP freeze which also happens to me sometimes, impossible to rdp, sometimes yes sometimes no, I also modified the local strategy concerning this freeze problem but well... We'll see, Microsoft doesn't test its products anymore
EDIT : For RDP Freeze, on the VM, there is a strategy local who fix the bug :
Stratégie de l'ordinateur local > Configuration ordinateur > Modèles d'administration > Composants Windows > Services Bureau à distance > Hôte de session Bureau à distance > Connexions > Sélectionner la détection du réseau sur le serveur
--> définir sur Activé
----->Chosir : Désactiver la détection du temps de connexion et la détection continue du réseau
do a : gpupdate /force
RDP Works fine now on W11 24H2